The dilemmas of "sensitive" Peronism


By Mónica Gutiérrez
Note published in

There is a "sensitive" Peronism which, in these days, is quietly tiring. These are the rational, logical, federal PCs or whatever you want to call them. Those who have distinguished themselves in the time and form of Cristina Kirchner, and swear and perjury today do not want to have anything to do with it anymore. They are the ones who knew how to "collaborate" with the government, and today they say they feel despised, despised, abandoned for God's sake. At least, that's what they express to explain the distance that separates them from the ruling party's claims.
They do not deny that the deficit needs to be reduced by reducing political spending but they do not want to put the focus on adjustment by becoming partners the loss without participation in any gain. They argue that Mauricio Macri needs it, but at the same time he continues to feed the toxic vitality of Kirchnerism, thus helping to fuel the locomotive of the ghost train. 2019 is near and they perceive that, for the cosmovision that macrismo has of the electorate, it is always easier to confront with the bad known of the past than with the good ones to know.
They do not think about boycotting the treatment of the budget, they work by bringing alternative proposals, with a special dedication immersed in the transparency files of the official that facilitates the law of access to the budget. information, trying to detect unnecessary expenses to offer the snip. Travel expenses, consulting contracts and consultations. They suggest not to touch science and technology at all, and do not rule out taxing the profits of big corporations or the financial sector.
But most of all, do not believe that the government has a strong willingness to approve. In addition, several voices consulted agree on something: Macri prefers not to reach consensus and extend the current one. He would kill two birds with one stone: he could move more comfortably into the task of adjustment and, at the same time, he would have an argument to hold the opposition accountable for the difficulties of the moment.
Governors also avoid the task of endorsing a law that could deprive them of non-automatic transfers with which they are confronted with expenses already incurred.
They do not want to approve a budget under pressure from the IMF. In his own way, the President has already expressed it in words. He's cured health by saying that he does not agree with the PJ at the moment, because "there is a missing interlocutor who unites all the oppositional leanings of justicialist roots."
From the "rational" opposition they argue that Macri wanted to share power and that eventually paralyzed Congress. They argue that they also have no partner to discuss the future, they understand that we need to step out of the cycle of facilism, but to achieve this we need to rethink the productive and fiscal structure and that Cambiemos has always avoided this conversation. Too late for tears.
The electoral scene is on them and everyone is watching their game. The first provincial elections are too close: in December, it is already voted in Catamarca. Everyone sees how it is in the essential space to build if we want to continue to participate. The first thing is to regain control of the party, for that reason they believe that the Justice will authorize a new collegial intervention, without José Luis Gioja or Luis Barrionuevo, to become normalized.
Among the disillusionados of the PRO and the nostalgics of philo-kirchnerismo They propose to activate a shortcut. They are absolutely convinced that Cristina will be competing on October 19th and will want to play outside the PJ. They are also encouraged by the certainty that the presidential election will be defined by boogie. They feel compelled to position themselves in this scene.
The time is short. They work to prepare the "branding" of the new space. The presentation in the company can not go beyond the month of August, the third week being more accurate. No acts or emphatic things. It is to install the idea of ​​a possible unity.
The most intense and enthusiastic say that the direction must be resolved between Sergio Mbada, returning to the PJ, and the governor of Salta, Juan Manuel Urtubey.
If anyone else wants to get on the podium, try it, but it 's okay there, that' s it. They hope to shorten the differences and advance on a territory that they recognize as undermined by the difficulty. The idea is to open an alternative place. The only option can not be "between the crazy and the yellow balloons", they dramatize.
They know that they are deceived by the left and right, establishing a delicate balance between what is needed and what is convenient, but they leave

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