The director of the Carabineros assured that the repression …


the Managing Director of Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez, He assured that the force deployed during the social epidemic at the end of 2019 was defensive and denied that the institution had conducted a policy of systematic attack against the population.

Yáñez testified before the prosecution as part of an investigation into the procedures of the Carabineros in the social crisis of 2019 and 2020, where Chile’s high command and security officials are accused of committing crimes against the humanity against citizens.

At the time, the director of the Carabineros was Mario Rozas and Yáñez served as the force’s national director of security and public order. According to Yáñez, the Interior Ministry has been notified every time the Level 5 riot gun has been used, a weapon that can be fatal.

According to data from National Institute of Human Rights of Chile (INDH), during the social epidemic of In 2019, there were 3,583 injured, of which 2,050 were shot and wounded. In addition, they detail that 359 people suffered eye injuries Yes 24 of them suffered partial or total loss of sight.

The director of the Carabineros also ruled out that there were orders from the high command of the force to suppress people who demonstrated. “The best demonstration of this is that no one was killed by the actions of the Carabineros. On the contrary, the more than eight instructions I gave went in the opposite direction,” he argued.


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