"The discovery of a lake on Mars opens the door to human life" – 25/07/2018


Hardly known, the news of the discovery of liquid salt water on Mars has invaded all the world's journalistic sites and social networks have exploded. Is discovery so important? According to specialists, yes, for what this implies for the future relationship between humanity and the red planet, which for now only unmanned machines have arrived.

"We do not use the word colonization, but we can say that the find ] represents a step closer to the intention that humanity can be established on the red planet, "says Patricio Zain, BA in Astronomy and member of the Planetary Science Group of the National University of La Plata

  area where the Mars Express probe has detected the underground lake on Mars. (AP) [19659004] The area where the Mars Express probe detected the underground lake on Mars. (AP) </p>
<p>   The expert says that Mars is one of the most studied solar bodies, because is the closest planet to Earth and the one with similar characteristics: "There are announcements permanently, but it is very important" </p>
<p>   When asked if the discovery of the 39; liquid water opens the possibility of finding life there, Zain does not doubt: "This is an extraordinary step in this direction. Although it is necessary to specify that <strong> life that could have is of bacterial type </strong>. It was a long time ago that we discovered that there was water in the solid state (ice), but now with this novelty, the researchers <strong> will have sufficient reasons to continue the Martian missions </strong>. salt water on Mars "src =" https://images.clarin.com/collections/static/lazy_square.svg "data-big =" https://images.clarin.com/2018/07/24/S1-e5W8EQ_290x290__1 .jpg "data-small =" https://images.clarin.com/2018/07/24/S1-e5W8EQ_110x110__1.jpg” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/><br />
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<p> The Graduate in Astronomy says that although Mars has similar characteristics to the Earth and the one that looks more like the galaxy, is very different from our planet, and hostile: "This idea of ​​building a city out there is more science fiction, but it's an approach for that in a distant future they can arrive <strong> the first missions with humans </strong>. "</p>
<p>   Martin Greco, an Argentine working on the discovery, also thinks about the discovery at NASA in the engineering sector Mars explorations. The man tells that since the time of the Viking missions in the 1970s, there is a discussion about the possibility of life on the red planet, something that begins to affirm with this discovery. </p>
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  One of the images obtained from the so-called red planet where the lake would be. (AFP)

One of the images obtained from the so-called red planet where the lake would be found. (AFP)

"Although this does not guarantee the presence of life, yes gives us hope that we can find it if we try harder," he adds , "The fact that an ocean may exist, increases the likelihood of finding life on Mars."

Alan Duffy, Associate Professor at the University of Swinburne in Australia, estimated that the result of the "Study" suggests that water on Mars is not a temporary current, revealed in previous discoveries, but a persistent body of water that creates the conditions for life during long periods of time ".

Roberto Orosei, member of the Italian National Institute of Astrophysicist (INAF) and author of the study published in Science, he recalled that decades ago it was known that Mars was habitable, with a climate similar to that of the Earth, up to # That the planet loses its atmosphere and that surface water disappears. What was left, he said, was "to detect and understand where he was," either underground or evaporated. " Now the answer was found which led to a challenge: to be able to understand if there was a moment on Mars had sufficient conditions for the origin of life" , he said. And he added that the fundamental question, in the end, is: "Are we alone in the universe?"