“The distractor of the day”: Denise Dresser criticized the FGR for not having acted before the video of AMLO’s brother


Denise Dresser criticized the Attorney General's Office (FGR) for not being an autonomous institution and for being politicized (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Denise Dresser criticized the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) for not being an autonomous institution and for being politicized (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The political scientist Denise Dresser criticized the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) for not being an autonomous institution and for being politicized, after logging into the process against Ildefonso Guajardo, former secretary of economy in the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto, was reported.

This Friday afternoon the FGR, through the Office of the Special Prosecutor in charge of the fight against corruption (FEMCC), obtained the supervisory judge attached to the Federal Center for Criminal Justice link with the proceedings against Ildefonso Guajardo, for his probable responsibility in the crime of illicit enrichment.

According to the prosecution, The former secretary of the economy under the Peña Nieto administration obtained an unjustified increase in his assets during the years 2014 to 2018, of which he could not prove his legal origin.

Statement on Guajardo Liaison Process Comes Shortly After Video of President’s Younger Brother Released Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Martín Jesús López Obrador, to recieve money the former coordinator of civil protection, David León Romero.

The FGR obtained from the supervisory judge attached to the Federal Center for Criminal Justice a link to the process against Ildefonso Guajardo (EFEMEX / JORGE NÚÑEZ / Dossier)
The FGR obtained from the supervisory judge attached to the Federal Center for Criminal Justice a link to the trial against Ildefonso Guajardo (EFEMEX / JORGE NÚÑEZ / Dossier)

Thus, the writer Denise Dresser pointed out that the prosecutor’s report is “the distractor of the day.”Because, if it is necessary to fight against corruption, “the actions of the institution are not very credible”.

Via your Twitter account, the academic explained that the “attacks” of the FGR are not credible because it has become an organization without autonomy and politicized, whose actions tend to be more publicity.

“Corruption must be fought, but the assault of a non-autonomous / politicized @FGRMexico is hardly credible, whose actions are generally more publicity than substantive, and never reach a member of the ruling clan“, He wrote on his social network.

Before its publication, the comments of the Net surfers did not wait; a follower questioned, in a sarcastic way, if it was by chance that the “autonomous FGR” announced the involvement of a civil servant in the process from the previous government the next day, videos of the president’s brother come out.

The statement on the Guajardo liaison process comes shortly after a video of Martín Jesús López Obrador was released receiving money from David León Romero.  (Photo: screenshot)
The statement about the Guajardo liaison process comes shortly after a video of Martín Jesús López Obrador was released receiving money from David León Romero. (Photo: screenshot)

Likewise, Miguel Alfonso Meza, researcher at Mexicans Against CorruptionHe asked how many videos of AMLO’s family had to be released for the prosecutor’s office to link former President Peña Nieto to the process.

How many videos of AMLO’s family receiving campaign money have to come out to tie Peña Nieto to the process?”, wrote.

AMLO’s brother video scandal

In the afternoon of July 8, the journalist Carlos Loret de Mola, via the information portal Latin, presented a video where it appears Martín López Obrador, AMLO’s younger brother, receives money from David León, at an address in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, in 2015.

According to media information, the president’s younger brother received 150,000 pesos in cash illegally during political campaign, when AMLO’s party, Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena), first participated in the elections.

Faced with the images broadcast on social networks, the political scientist Denise Dresser, one of the Mexican figures who has repeatedly criticized the government, did not let it go.

The president's younger brother received 150,000 pesos in cash illegally during a political campaign (Photo: Screenshot)
The president’s younger brother received 150,000 pesos in cash illegally during a political campaign (Photo: Screenshot)

In your social network, Dresser noted that, as is the practice of the current administration, they will say that “the PRIAN flew more”, which are “contributions” or that it is a “black campaign”, however, he asserted that “corruption is corruption” and is protected in the 4Q and its political allies.

“They will say that” the PRIANs have stolen more “, that they are” contributions “, that” it is only a little “, that it is” suddenly “, that it is a” black campaign “, that it’s a “dirty” war. But Corruption is bribery and is nestled in the fourth quarter and among political allies such as Manuel Velasco“, He assured.

Likewise, before the comment from the national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, who claimed that the opposition wants to defile the president “When they received millions and compromised the sovereignty of the people with big business and entrepreneurs”, The political scientist reminded him that his party received millions of pesos “under the tables” and of “dubious” origin.

“It is obscene that they pretend to be different when they received millions and tainted the democracy of the citizens with money under the table and of dubious origin. #MoralmenteDerrotados, ”replied Mario Delgado.


“Will these be contributions from the right people?”: PRD, PAN and more reacted to video of AMLO’s brother
FGR obtained the link with the illicit enrichment process from Ildefonso Guajardo, former Secretary of the Economy of Peña Nieto
They videotaped another AMLO brother receiving bundles of bills from David León

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