The document where narco's signature on Pablo Escobar admits his relationship with the PRO


In an internal circulation letter, the signing of the Medellin-Sinaloa agreement admitted that it had been financed with the City Bank in order to "strengthen links with the PRO".

January 27, 2019

The signing of businessman Mateo Corvo Dolcet, who is the subject of a survey today for his links with Colombian drug trafficking via Piedrahita Ceballos and the cartel Medellin-Sinaloa, received a $ 60 million loan from the municipal bank that he asked this entity to "strengthen their political links with the PRO".

In an internal document of the company, today blocked and seized by 200 000 000 suspected to be financed with illicit money from abroad, the shareholders themselves, whose José Piedrahita Ceballos, one of the most wanted drug traffickers in the world, confess to having decided to go ahead with credit because he "was expecting a triumph of PRO" in the elections, which which would be appropriate to reinforce its links with politics.

To integrate

This was Pilar Parking, a monstrous building of garages built by the company Pilar Bicentenario S.A, also on behalf of the businessman directly related to drug trafficking. The initial project was to build some 900 garages near the new "Panamericana" station, which would be connected to the Pilar-Retiro differential service. In this way, residents of Pilar's private neighborhoods could reach the center with Wi-Fi, luxury seating, air conditioning and heating, without incurring the costs and delays caused by the car.

This ambitious plan was approved in 2015 and continued under the direction of Mayor Nicolás Ducoté, who even posed with Corvo Dolcet just a few months ago, with in the background the new "white elephant" of the corridor. North.

Pilar Bicentenario SA, whose shareholder is José Bayron Piedrahita Ceballos, a prominent Colombian businessman turned into one of the 15 most wanted drug traffickers in the United States, recently arrested in Colombia , decided to apply for a loan in 2015 to have, carry out the project of private garages. For that, according to private documents to which El Destape would have had access, they would have asked for a quotation with the banks Santander Río and City respectively.

Finally, they decided to turn to the City Bank, under the direction of PRO. The loan was for productive purposes for the shocking sum of $ 60,000,000, a hard figure to get in the financial market for a company with no apparent ties to the bank in question.

In the report "Estado de situación" of Pilar Parking, presented to the project partners, it was explained that the reason for the loan was simply political: "We managed and obtained a productive loan from the Bank of the City of Buenos Aires.

Although we have reached the same concession opportunity with Santander Río and with HSBC, we chose last June to take it to the City Bank before the possibility that the PRO gets a good election result", He badured in the letter, to which he had exclusive access to this media.

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Pillar Parking Document

The loan for "productive investment" has been made and to date, the signature is seized and owes to the City Bank about 71 738 000 USD, as indicated in the records of the Central Bank. For this reason, he finds himself in situation 3: that is, as a dangerous debtor.

To integrate



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