The dollar advanced to $ 28.16 on average in the pre-renovation of Lebac


The US dollar climbed 19 cents on the wholesale market to close at $ 27.55. Prior to the call for bids from the Central Bank, the total volume traded rose to 22% to settle at $ 554 million. 29-day rates were 46.50%

The dollar closed with a notorious rise before auction of Lebacs by the central bank, in which they expired about 529 billion dollars, and the monetary entity itself estimated that the renewal would be around 73% of this total volume. That is, there will be "more" in the street about 140,000 million dollars

The market was also waiting for the release of key data for inflation of June which would be between 3.5 and 4

The wheel was marked by an increase in demand compared to the previous one, since amounted to 22.4% in the total volume operated to reach $ 553, 9 million

Thus, in the retail space the US bill advances about 16 cents, to be located in the average of $ 28.16 for the point of sale.

] The slates of main entities operating in the microcenter of Buenos Aires offered American currency with prices that were $ 28 to and $ 28.40 maximum value found in Galicia .

In the first case, in Banco Nación the quote to the public jumped 20 cents up to $ 27 for the purchase and $ 28 for sale . Informal Square Blue fell five cents to be located in the $ 28.80 in the caves that operate in the city of Buenos Aires. That's to say, 64 cents (2.3%) above the official retail average.

For its part, on the wholesale market the price of the dollar was to 27.55 $ is about 19 cents over the end of Monday

"In last two days, the exchange rate recovered just over half of the loss from last week, "sums up the operator Gustavo Quintana of Cambios PR

In the daily auction made by the Central Bank, on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, by 100 million dollars, received all that amount in dollars at an average price of $ 27,462 .

According to ABC Changes, also Banco Nación had to intervene ] to sell currencies to contain the possible escalation of the price, and it is estimated that he would have offered an amount close to u $ s50 mi

Regarding the rise in the rate of ch angel Tuesday, "the operators were beating a need for counted dollars against the expected surplus pesos which withdrawing investments in Lebac whose implicit rate of return is discouraged by the regulator" , concludes the operator Fernando Izzo

The official estimate made by the Central Bank is that it will be able to maintain interest rate around 47% a percentage similar to that paid in the June and therefore bid to overcome these new "super-cuts" with acceptable success, which would allow it to expand

on the secondary market of Lebac these newspapers lowered their performance, trading at 29 days at 46.50% and at 64 days at 44% annually, in a square where a total of C & # 39; is to say that the BCRA made its predictions ns for the monthly offer of this Tuesday, in which it will have to renew about 529 billion dollars. According to the information that iProfesional agreed, the monetary entity provide cover about $ 385,000,000,000 . That is, 73% of the total volume expiring in July.

Therefore, would be "loose" available to investors, a flow close to $ 140,000 million

With the mission to go disarm the "ball of "Lebac's snow something also agreed with the IMF, the central bank announced Monday that for the monthly supply of these papers dissolved one of the most extensive sections . That is to say that instead of having five periods, as had been the case since April 17, four segments will be offered at 28, 63, 91 and 126 days at the same time. Auction of July. In summary, the BCRA has removed the 154 day delay

In this regard, José De Mendiguren, Renovador Front national deputy and former president of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) said in radio statements: "We celebrate the peace would change but this rate of interest is poison for the industry."

A Delphos Investment survey indicates that "although the rate Real exchange rate has reached levels of equilibrium indicated by several econometric models, is still below the range that indicates the historical evolution "of the money with the liquidation.

For its part, an Analytica report argues that the correction of the real exchange rate would result in "[thedeepest-secessionof since 2009" because of the configuration of the macro variables and the conditioning on the economic policy imposed by the Government and / or the IMF. However, he states that "the combination of statistical and seasonal factors would imply that the annual data " look better " than other similar events", such as 2014 and 2016.

Finally, on the Rofex futures market were operated S353 million dollars, of which 50% was agreed between July and August with final prices at $ 28.02 and 29.08 $ respectively, with annual rates of 44.5% and 45.1%. In general, the futures contracts ended with an average increase of 14 cents, accompanying the rate increase.

Concerning the price at the end of the year the contracts were negotiated at $ 32.87 ]

The Stock Exchange [19659029] The Argentine Stock Exchange advanced in business on Tuesday, after the rise of power shares of the energy and banking sectors, while investors were closely watching exchange rate volatility and central bank bond auctions.

The Merval Index of Argentine Stock Exchanges and Markets (BYMA) gained 2.1% to settle at 26,800 points, after having accumulated a % lower in the previous four sessions

The higher increases corresponded to Metrogas, to 4.9% followed from Transener (4.5%) and Petrobras with 4.4%.

For his part, on Wall Street, ADR and shares of Argentine companies listed in New York, operated with majority of hikes led by Petrobras (3.3% ) and Galicia, which increased by 2.8% . In contrast, Edenor fell 3.5%.

Operators have stated that the stock market approached a technical floor to allow a circumstantial rebound in prices.

Regarding fixed-income securities, among the most traded government securities, the increase in PR13 was underlined, which rose by 5.7% followed by Coupon GDP in dollars (2.9%) and Reduction in pesos which gained 1.5 percent.

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