The dollar and country risk have risen sharply following political rumors


27 | 08 | 19 19:17 hs.

In a complicated day for the markets, the dollar has risen by more than one peso and the country risk has reached 2,000 basis points, exceeding the record level recorded by the government of Cristina Fernández Kirchner.

The US currency has been sold on average today at 58.66 dollars, according to the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) based on the value of the entities operating in the city of Buenos Aires. The value represents an increase of $ 1.46 over yesterday and represents the first big jump after a week of calm.

In its wholesale version, the dollar rose 96 cents (1.7%) from the previous value and reached $ 56.26. In this context, the BCRA organized seven auctions, with an intervention of $ 302 million, which represents the largest movement in a day since the implementation of the second agreement with the IMF. Add to that the $ 60 million a day that the managing agency Guido Sandleris auctioned on behalf of the Treasury.

The day was marked by rumors and speculation about the meeting of IMF representatives with Front presidential candidate Alberto Fernández. After a harsh statement from the former chief of staff, rumors ran about an alleged dialogue on a "power vacuum", which the international organization has denied, while denying that there have a request for election promotion.

In this context, Argent Country Risk worked this afternoon with a strong upward trend, increasing by 166 units or 9.2%, to 1,981 basis points.

This figure exceeds the maximum level of the presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, which peaked at 1,965 points on November 14, 2008.

Meanwhile, the rate of liquidity bills (Leliq) has today reached 74.988% and the total amount allocated was $ 190 167 million, with an expansion of $ 45 241 million.

In the first seven-day liquidity letter auction, the amount granted by BCRA was $ 97,255 million, with an average cut-off rate of 74.989%, compared to $ 92,911 for the second auction. million at an average rate of 74.988%. (DIB)


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