The dollar could once again exceed the performance of fixed terms


If the dollar rises 90 cents more this week, the percentage of profit generating a fixed term for the entire month will be canceled. In the past two days, the dollar has increased the equivalent of 20 days of fixed term. Therefore, if this trend continues, many pesos currently in banks enjoying this type of savings could come back in dollars.

This week will be the key to the US currency as it is the week before the STEP and, therefore, experts believe that after the primary elections, another period begins for the US currency, which will be marked by the result .

An unfavorable government outcome would increase the dollar, increase country risk and the stock market would fall. The opposite scenario would involve a return of the dollar to current prices and an interest rate that would remain above 60% in liquidity letters (LELIQ) and a little over 50% for large fixed-term investors.



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