The dollar could pick up the product of low membership in the Lebac exchange


Although the dollar ended yesterday with a slight decline, two cents less on the wholesale at $ 28.05, the foreign exchange market must treat Lebac's swap result by Letes, a strategy that does not have the same effect. did not meet expectations. This can be an excuse for the exchange rate to pick up again, however, since a few days ago in the city it is estimated that the floor is $ 28.

Yesterday, the slates closed at an average of $ 28, On sale, three cents less than on Wednesday

"The dollar probably rose, this was not good news", was -a summary of a source at the table of accounts. Meanwhile, Claudio García, operator and agent of Oubiña Cambios, said that nearly 300 million dollars that went from Lebac to Letes "was rather minimal", and that "we will have to see what happens with the 39 "expiry" of Lebac this month. "Theoretically, tomorrow (for today) there would be less offer, because the offer of the last days went to Letes, I should start something," García said.

For his part, Fernando Izzo, of ABC Mercado's Changes, stated that "the price of the dollar remained above the figure of $ 28 in expectation of the exchange of Lebac vs. Letes ", however, warned that beyond the low yesterday, the trend is on the rise:" The income of grain exporters averages $ 120 million per day and the Bidding by the Central Bank (BCRA) adds $ 100 million, but for now the demand continues to exceed the revenues of the North American currency. "

They were characterized by a winding price and the session yesterday was no exception. According to Gustavo Quintana, of PR Corredores de Cambios, "the prices showed a marked amplitude between the maxima and the minima", which reflected "the extension of the movement" throughout the session.

Daily report that the dollar was lodged in the lowest of the week, but still with a very low floor around $ 28. He also added that "in the first part of the day, the dollar has indicated a stronger recovery with a more active demand that has pushed prices up until it reaches the maximum of half. – day of $ 28.26. "In the same line, said that in the second part of the wheel" resurged more strongly the offer with foreign income that forced the lows that with a lot highs and lows, pushed values ​​to a minimum in the $ 28.05 reached In this regard, Izzo added that after the maximum hit the currency, "was detected half an hour before closing, the Bank Nation selling a couple of millions, apparently genuine, and with it was reduced to the dollar of big 15 cents ", an action to which some private banks were attached.

The volume on the spot market amounted to 757 million US dollars.

With respect to futures contracts, the amount of Rofex was $ 15,700 million, of which 55% was agreed between July and August with final prices at $ 28.99 and $ 30, respectively, representing Rates of 47.05% and 44.52% annually

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