The dollar fell to $ 46.48 in a calmer global climate (but still sued against STEP)


The decline of the retailer was in line with the Single Market and Foreign Exchange Market (MULC)where the dollar dropped 19 cents to $ 45.30, in a day during which the Central Bank validated the twelfth increase in the Leliq rate, which already exceeded 62%.

"At the currency level, the lightening of the yuan has had a positive impact on emerging currencies and the dollar has therefore taken the opportunity to take a break after the recent escalation"said economist Gustavo Ber.

And he added that this was happening "beyond the fact that the largest dollarization would remain subject not only to external uncertainty, but also to the results of the PASS, in a context of high investor sensitivity, even when the BCRA seeks to support emerging currencies through forward contracts and the Leliq rate. "

It should be noted that the Chinese currency ended today after its fall after the authorities took measures to contain it, although the Asian stock markets continued to retreat after the United States qualified. China's currency manager, thus aggravating the commercial dispute crisis

Fernando Izzo, operator of ABC Mercado de Cambios, said that "The big dollar, even though it has not risen today, has sometimes been sued for portfolio coverage and taking positions of some banks, which before the elections As a precautionary measure, PASO takes precautions and leaves badets in interest rates in pesos. "

The minimum prices of the day were recorded at 45.25 dollars, or twenty-four cents less than the previous end, during the first hour of operation, when the improvement of the offer was noted with downward pressure on the price. However, and in response to renewed demand for hedging, prices reacted with increases that took them back from the original values ​​and caused them to hit the highs of the date at $ 45.42.

The volume traded on the foreign exchange market amounted to 730 million US dollars, 2% less than on Monday.

"Still under the tutelage and respect of the monetary authorities and with its permanent action in the most immediate conditions of the futures markets, the prices reduce in part the strong rise of yesterday, without being able to break the floor of 45 $" said Gustavo Quintana, operator of PR Exchange Brokers.

On the supply side, the central bank He has contributed to three cash cash auctions. The first – on behalf of the Treasury – was $ 30 million, at an average price of $ 45,393 and a minimum price of $ 45,385. The second was 19 million US dollars, at an average price of 45.3736 dollars and a minimum of 45.3410 dollars. And the third was made for $ 11 million, at an average price of $ 45.30 and a minimum of $ 45.30.

Leliq rate exceeded 62%

In the midst of the volatility of exchange rates, the central bank validated this Tuesday the twelfth consecutive rise of the Leliq rateWhat? again exceeded 62% annually after two bids.

The daily reference rate for liquidity letters has increased 61 basis points and it was 62.28%, level maximum since the end of June, by investing $ 272.4 billion in two bids.

The volume captured in pesos was one of the most important since the BCRA controls the liquidity of the market with this mechanism of letterssaid operators.

In the first call for tenders, the monetary authority auctioned to Leliq $ 143,989 million, at an average rate of 61,988%. The minimum return was 61.25%, while the maximum yield was 62.59%.

In the second call for bids, the BCRA placed $ 128.11 million, at an average rate of 62.608%. The maximum yield was 62.74% and the minimum was 61.8% a year.

Blue Dollar, futures and reserves of the central bank

In addition, in the informal market, blue dollar lost 20 cents to $ 46.40, according to the investigation on this support in the caves of the downtown microcentre. Meanwhile, cash with liqui increased by three cents to $ 45.78.

In the money market between banks, the currency of call operated at about 60%.

ROFEX operated US $ 1,017 million, 13.7% lower than Friday. "During the day, the BCRA continued its interventions by setting maximum prices to operate in different ways, especially at the end of the month and in September," said ABC Market Exchange.

And they added that so far in October, 12.6 percent of unspent interest was concentrated on a total of $ 4,245 million.

It should be noted that the shortest terms account for more than 50% of the total exploited. And that the final prices for the months of August and September finally worked out at $ 46.93 and $ 49,051; with rates of 52.53% and 54.95%. Similarly, conditions showed average environmental losses 15 cents or 0.3% lower than yesterday.

Finally, Central bank reserves tumbled on Tuesday $ 578 million up & # 39; to $ 66,458 million.


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