The dollar has risen again because of the "Temer effect" | Chronic


Once the dollar has risen and again, the rate has gone up; the monetary system loses confidence. The market opened on Thursday calm after the Fed's favorable rate decision but, pbaded next to a wheel, the peso was infected with the real, which was devalued after the arrest of the Fed. ;former president. Michel Temer Thus, the retail exchange rate closed up seven cents to 42.02 pesos

In the wholesale market, where banks and large corporations operate, the US dollar has risen 20 cents (0.6%) to $ 41.05. Trading volume in the cash sector increased to US $ 729,519 million.

"In a very volatile day, the North American currency has risen after an initial fall, probably contaminated by the movement of the real in Brazil … price on the wheel today.", a point Gustavo Quintana, by PR Corredores de Cambio.

In the neighboring country, the yenkee currency climbed 1.3% following the scandal Temer, accused of corruption in the Lava Jato case. Although, after the closure of the Argentine currency market, he moderated the rise. Again, due to local weaknesses, the weight showed its sensitivity to external shocks.

Between the two daily Leliq auctions, the Central Bank validated an average increase of almost one point in the rate, which stood at 65.76%. In the second call for tenders, the average yield paid was even higher: 65.79%.

In addition, in the context of tighter monetary pressure to contain the dollar and to slow down inflation somewhat, the BCRA made the first expansion of the week by generating $ 17 billion. But because of the high absorption accumulated, it could still exceed the monthly target at the expense of greater suffocation of the activity.

Overall, the new simultaneous download. and the growth rate of mistrust among badysts, on the strength of the monetary system aimed at keeping the dollar in check.


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