The dollar has risen again, in line with other countries in the region


After a slight decline this Tuesday, the dollar has resumed today the upward trendas in other emerging markets, such as Brazil and Chile, where the real and the peso depreciated by about 0.5%.

In the Nation Bank, the greenback increased from $ 46.30 to $ 46.60while the average price that the Central Bank is reporting is $ 46,811. Also, in the Mendoza houses of exchange, the dollar is at $ 47.10.

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For its part, the BCRA has validated a further increase in reference rate (from Leliq). Today, the maximum return on liquidity bills issued to banks was 63.14%.

The Central Bank seeks to translate this into an increase in the interest of the fixed terms (today in 52.5% in the nation) for savers to approach the peso and generate a decline in dollar demand.

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