The dollar has risen and the country risk is still close to a thousand points


The country risk index rose again at the end of May and exceeded this Friday 980 basis points in a day of rising dollar to reach $ 45.80 at Banco Nacion.

The sharp increase in the indicator is explained by the weak performance of global markets as well as by the domestic political scenario. "With the Renovating Front opening the door to Kirchnerism and making this option stronger and stronger, it makes sense that today the market is starting to react in this way.The worst option for the market is still a Kirchnerism to the government, "said financial badyst Christian Buteler in conversation with the portal Infobae.

On the international front, Donald Trump's tweet reaction to trade sanctions against Mexico has not been good and tensions have been generated because of the effect these sanctions may have on the Mexican economy.

The economic portal iProfesional pointed out that the impact on the market of this country was immediate, because less than an hour after the declaration of the American president, the dollar exploded, increasing its value compared to the Mexican peso above 3%.

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In this unstable context, the week and the month are closed in red. On the other hand, the Wall Street term note drops to 1.4%, reaching between 5% and 7% the lowest month. The S & P500, Dow Jones and Nasdaq are down 1.1%, 1.1% and 1.4%, respectively – driven by the auto industry (most of their production is Mexico).



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