The dollar is already selling more than 50 dollars in some banks, without even starting the wheel of the exchange rate


The wheel has not yet started and some private banks have already raised the price of the dollar on their boards, just hours after the publication of PASO results, in which the presidential candidate of the Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernández, had obtained more than 47% of the votes.

Unusually, before 7 years, Galicia has indicated on its website the price of the US currency to $ 49.3 for sale. However, a few minutes later, at 7:25, he updated and placed at $ 50.9. Around 8am, it was already $ 51. A similar move occurred at BBVA, where it was sold very early at $ 49.49 and then at $ 51.49. At age 8, the ICBC approached $ 56.

The market received a hand of cold water Sunday, after holding Friday a private ballot for a best screenplay for candidate and president Mauricio Macri.

With results contrary to those expected by groups of investors, the dollar was the first upward symptom of 24-hour online brokerage firms. At 9:30 pm, online banking sold currency for $ 47. But soon after 22 years, the price has made another leap and spent 48 pesos in Balanz, one of the market references generally offering the lowest values.

The increases applied by online operators have announced a "floor" for the opening of transactions expected to 10, although some banks are ahead. The rest of the banking system will welcome the new price after the defeat by Mauricio Macri. Values ​​will be closer to the ceiling of the reference area, set at $ 51.44.

In full instability, the Central Bank's response is expected. Until now, the main monetary entity controlled the uptrend with sales of future contracts and interest rate hikes.


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