The dollar moved but finally closed at $ 60


The Mauricio Macri's decision to rebalance debt maturities in the short and medium term, announced yesterday by the Minister of Finance, Hernán LacunzaHe's doing his first tests this morning on the markets.

The dollar opened this Thursday 2 dollars above yesterday's close at National Bank and country risk exceeds 2200 basis points, another day of concern in the financial world. Like this and all, with the pbadage of the hours, the value of the greenback fell back and returned to $ 60.

Country risk, meanwhile, has grown rapidly to 2,300 basis points.

At the same time, Argentine bonds governed by foreign legislation recorded significant declines of nearly 3% and dollar futures are traded with increases of over 14% over a period of one year..

Argentine securities were in red on Wall Street with bonds expiring in 2021 and 2022 with losses above 2.8%.

For local legislation, the largest decline was recorded for Bonar 37 with a decline of 8.4% and the dollar pair with a 7.9% decline.

In non-delivery contracts, one year was agreed at 116.64 pesos, up 14.24% from yesterday.

"Given the uncertainty of the financial markets the short-term financial challenge will be accentuated so as to have sufficient reserves to guarantee exchange rate stability and inflation throughout the election period, prime objective of President (Mauricio Macri) and that we exclude the share of all presidential candidates, "said Lacunza at a press conference at the Palacio de Hacienda.

A few minutes after the announcements yesterday, the application of Letes and Lecaps has been declared "abandoned".

In this note:


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