The dollar rises to 4 pesos in some banks before the markets open


After a further day of decline in bonds and Argentine shares on Wall Street and a rise in country risk to 1883 points, the dollar is rising in some financial institutions before you open of the exchange wheel.

In addition to the clouds of the day before, the first working day of the week started with the markets pending the swearing in of the new Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunza, and the new control plan. the currency.

In this scenario, the US currency rose 3 pesos compared to Friday in Balanz, to 59 dollars, and in Galicia, it was 9, to 61 dollars, against 57 dollars at the closing of Friday. In the bull market, it closed at 56.80 dollars Friday and jumped to 59 dollars.

After a weekend of tension within the executive, the resignation of former finance minister, Nicolás Dujovne, and the lack of certainty of the IMF have added more hysteria to the market. The local day off prevented this skid from impacting the ticket of the United States. In the midst of the crisis, the dollar closed down Friday: 55 dollars in the wholesale segment and 58.12 dollars in banks. currency futures from December, they climbed to $ 79.5 the unit.

In addition, on the same day, the rating agencies Fitch placed the bonds at CCC level, B, which implies a concrete possibility of default. "The reduction in ratings of Argentina reflects a great political uncertainty after the August 11 primary elections, a severe tightening of financial conditions and an expected deterioration of the macroeconomic environment that increases the likelihood of a sovereign default or any restructuring, "said l & # 39, international agency.

"Reduce uncertainty"

With a complicated picture, Lacunza badumed this Tuesday and after "Yes, I swear", he promised to "reduce uncertainty". At a press conference, the new Minister presented a first definition of his program: "There is no need for a higher exchange rate."

News in development being updated.


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