The dollar started the week up, spent $ 46 and country risk approached 900 points


Economy |

August 05, 2019
– 11:08

The greenback has reached its highest value since May 20. Country risk approached 900 points

A few days after the WWTP and after a global context of depreciation of the value of the Chinese currency which plunges the dollar, the US currency closed Monday at the sale at 46, 69 $.

In this way, the greenback reaches its highest value since May 20 in banks and agencies.


Ghosts of the past coming back, on the way to a decisive choice

In addition, in the market, operators claimed that Private demand has accelerated in recent days due to uncertainty over the outcome of the PASS.

Trump and his trade war with China

It should be noted that Last week, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates for the first time since 2008 and the trade struggle with China has entered a new phase.

After the Trump dispute two years ago, the Washington-Beijing dispute intensified and at this point, White House-imposed commercial tariffs imply inputs for about $ 360 billion.

With the fall of the yuan on Monday, the controversial White House tenant protested that China was manipulating its currency to boost its exports and thus eliminate the tariffs.


Economists expect to keep the pressure on the dollar

Country risk

For its part, the indicator prepared by the risk qualifiers jumped 7.6% to 890 basis points in the midst of an unfavorable financial climate for emerging markets.

It must be remembered that Country risk measures the difference paid by US Treasury bonds relative to other countries. This calculation is done via its EMBI index, specific to each country (EMBI Argentina in our case).


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