The dollar today bank by bank: how much does it quote in each entity


The dollar began trading this morning at Banco Nación $ 57 for sale, without variations from the last closure.

With a drop of 74 cents, the US currency closed Tuesday at an average of 52.32 USD buyer and 57.38 USD seller.

On Tuesday, the day Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza took office, the central bank intervened contain the price of the currency. He sold $ 112 million in reserves. Trade volume in the cash sector was limited to $ 5444 029 million.

Lacunza said Wednesday: "We will not allow an irrational race, that's what reservations. There is no doubt that the current exchange rate is well above the equilibrium value. There is no reason to promote a currency hike ".

Similarly, hours before President Mauricio Macri spoke. "The dollar will stay where it is"said the president.

Listing in different banks

The dollar in different financial institutions. (Source: BCRA)
The dollar in different financial institutions. (Source: BCRA)

The dollar board


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