The dollar today bank by bank: how much does the currency in each entity


Everyone is watching the dollar. It is for several days, the US currency remains in a frenzied rise and fall and this Tuesday is no exception. In the national bank open, a peso over Friday's closing, at $ 58. However, after noon it was again located in $ 57

Before market opening, some financial entities had already highlighted whiteboards. This is the case of Galicia which, at 9 o'clock, placed the currency at $ 61 against $ 57 at the close of Friday. However, half an hour after the start of the exchange wheel had risen to $ 59. ICBC, meanwhile, raised the amount to $ 59.70 in the first minutes of Tuesday's trading.

The get into the retail market This comes after the new finance minister, Hernán Lacunza, has promised to reduce uncertainties. "There is no need to increase the exchange rate," he said at a press conference. In the same vein, the President of the Central Bank, Guido Sandleris, has ratified the use of restrictive monetary policy and foreign exchange interventions.

Listing in different banks

The dollar in different banks. (Source: BCRA)
The dollar in different banks. (Source: BCRA)

The dollar board

News in development being updated.


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