The dollar today fell to $ 39.54 from the futures market


The wholesaler in dollars closed down to $ 38.46, which ended with the same trend as the day started with the Central Bank (BCRA) has intervened on the futures market when the price had been warmed by half a wheel.

On the other hand, the average between Central Bank operations (BCRA) also decreased compared to Tuesday's value. The note had lost 15 cents during the day, but at closing, the amount was adjusted by four cents: it was $ 39.54.

At the Banco Nacion (BNA), the dollar was offered at $ 39.40 at the end of the roll.

The blue dollar, meanwhile, was around $ 38.50.

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The beginning of the price decline turned around at noon. According to Oubiña Cambios' operator, Claudio García, in the Buenos Aires square, they saw the BCRA operate on the futures market: "When it was worth 38 dollars,67, or $ 38.68, some banks told us that the central bank had gone to sell something important in futures; $ 55 and $ 38.65. "

The North American currency has worked again with a mixed and irregular route in one day impacted by the end of the month and for the low activity planned for tomorrow, which will work with reduced hours. Prices have evolved with many ups and downs and trend shifts defining only the negative correction experienced today, the quintana.

Between Monday and Friday, the currency posted a sharp rise of $ 3. Yesterday, in an effort to reduce the pressure on the market, the Central Bank (BCRA) raised nearly $ 46,000 million with Leliq million, the largest figure of the last 13 wheels.

Yesterday, it was also evident that the average harvest rate slowed down and slightly increased. It stood at 61.248% against the previous 61.237%.

The BCRA has today offered the market with 8-day liquidity bills in the amount of $ 90,000 million, at a minimum rate of 60%, a day when it faces a maturity of $ 97,934 million. dollars.

"The reduced schedule established for the last day of November may have influenced anticipate the operations to be carried out tomorrow, with a strong impact on the volumes traded. In a scenario highly conditioned by the end of the month, prices showed oscillations that finally left them at this week's lowest level, but at their highest level since the beginning of last October, "said Quintana.

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