The dollar touched $ 47 but the BCRA contained it with futures and a rate of nearly 63%


In the single market and the foreign exchange market (MULC), the currency gained 29 cents $ 45.59 face the presidential primary that the country will have this Sunday.

"The official strategy of intervention in the futures markets, badociated with a further rise in Leliq interest rates, to which was added the timely participation of some official banks having made sales in the sector where operate the main players, has reached dilute the strong pressure on prices that have gradually declined and with ups and downs until the closing of operations "said Gustavo Quintana, operator of PR Exchange Brokers.

Emerging markets experienced widespread badet losses as a result of rising risk aversion around the world during a period of fierce trade conflict between the United States and China, as well as confrontation of Donald Trump with the Federal Reserve.

In the region, the dollar appreciates again as it happened on Monday. So much so that in Brazil, it increased by 0.6%, in Chile by 0.4% and in Mexico by 0.6%.

The demand for coverage was installed early in the development of the operations, which resulted in an increase in the wholesale price of the dollar, which allowed it to receive maximum prices of $ 45.76 during the first part of the year. day. While the minimums were recorded almost at the end of the day, when the US currency reached 45.55 dollars after the strategic deployment of the BCRA.

The total volume operated with the "MULC" changes amounted to US $ 750 million (almost 3% more than yesterday).

As for the supply, the export sells on average at 125 million US dollars per day "despite the high price we record in the currency, and this week and until next Monday "., noted on the ABC Exchange market.

And they added, "We note that these dollar values ​​are going into the sale and are benefiting from the placement of the pesos, with exchange rate insurance in the future ROFEX dollar in order to make safe investments."

In addition, the BCRA auctioned, through the Treasury, the usual $ 60 million a day, but in three bids. The first cost $ 22 million, at an average price of $ 45,681 and a minimum of $ 45.65. The second was $ 38 million, at an average price of $ 45,568 and a minimum of $ 45.55.

Dollar in the world

The dollar was stable on Wednesday and the yuan fell again on the international marketAfter calm has temporarily returned to the foreign exchange markets for a more moderate rhetoric on the tariff war between the United States and China.

However, investors remained cautious and maintained strong demand for safe haven currencies such as the yen, which appreciated 0.2% to 106.27 units per dollar, although it is still peaks reached on Monday. Panic has besieged the markets.

The president of the United States, Donald TrumpOn Tuesday, he downplayed the concern over the long-running trade war with China, after Beijing warned that Washington's decision to designate it as a currency manipulator would lead to a chaos of financial systems.

The less aggressive position of the White House helped support the dollar, which was quoted at 97,619 units against a basket of rival coins at 11:50 GMT, almost unchanged from the previous session.

Leliq's rate continues to rise

he central bank validated the thirteenth increase in the Leliq daily reference rate, which was 62.93%absorbing $ 243,225 millionNot two offers.

The first auction amounted to $ 130,453 million, at an increasing average rate of 62,734%said operators. The minimum bid rate was 62.24%, while the maximum yield was 63.14%.

The second investment, within seven days, had a maximum return of 63.29% and a minimum of 62.5% per annum. The BCRA placed 112,772 million pesos at an average rate of 63,157%, compared with a yield of 62,734% of the previous auction.

Blue Dollar, futures and reserves of the central bank

In addition, in the informal market, blue dollar increases from 10 cents to $ 46.50, according to the investigation on this support in the caves of the downtown microcentre. Meanwhile, cash with liqui rose three cents yesterday to $ 45.78.

In the money market between banks, the currency of call operated at about 60%.

ROFEX generated 1,493 million US dollars, 46% more than yesterday. The shortest terms account for more than 50% of the total exploited. Meanwhile, the final prices for August and September were $ 47.10 and $ 49,269; with rates of 50.37% and 54.55%. In addition, the terms showed average increases of twenty cents.

Finally, Central bank reserves tumbled on Tuesday $ 578 million up & # 39; to $ 66,458 million.


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