The double congress of homicide says not to remember what happened | Chronic


Juan José Navarro Cádiz, the young man accused of being the gunman who killed the MP Héctor Olivares and your advisor Miguel Yadón on Plaza Congreso, acknowledged this Wednesday afternoon in front of the judge manipulating a weapon inside the car in which he was with his cousin, but said that he did not remember what had happened at the time of the shots and that he was again aware when he was arrested in Uruguay.

At age 25, he presents for the first time his version of the facts before the judge of instruction Mariano Iturralde and the prosecutor Estela Andradessince his extradited arrival from Uruguay on Saturday at dawn, he refused to testify.

Accompanied by his lawyer, Ramón Arigós, Navarro Cádiz heard for the first time the imputation that hangs over him, "Double homicide aggravated by treachery and pleasure and possession of a weapon of war"and then he recounted what he did with his cousin, Juan Jesús Fernández, early morning of May 9th.

Judicial sources said that the accused had badured that the same evening he had met his cousin, he was riding in the car, the Volkswagen Vento, which we see in the video of the car. ; attack. and that he drank a lot and consumed cocaine, which he did "everyday".

Navarro Cádiz said that there was a gun inside the vehicle and acknowledged that he and his cousin "Manipulated"What? "they have pbaded" One to the other, "they looked at it" and "they armed and disarmed".

I also read: <a href = " The Congress-20190509-0010.html "target =" _ blank ">They shot dead a deputy and killed his staff, meters of Congress

The alleged gunman stated that after the detonations, he did not know who had shot and he no longer remembered what had happened until he awoke in Montevideo at the time of his arrest. .

"The weapon is not mine"Navarro Cádiz told the lawyer and the prosecutor, noted that before, this fact had never had problems with anyone and also denied that he knew both victims.

The day began with the declaration of Fernández, aka "Mohamed", who confirmed that his cousin Juan Jose was the author of the shooting, insisted that there was no third occupant in the car and acknowledged that he had already seen the alleged gunman and his father armed.

In his third statement, Fernandez kept his words and again explained that his cousin had taken the pistol out of nowhere and started shooting through the window.


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