The double life of the anti-gay MEP caught in a homosexual orgy in Brussels


Although this is a behavior practiced by ordinary people as well, it is a true classic among powerful men throughout history. It consists of proclaiming certain political and moral values ​​in public, and at the same time jumping them into the private sphere.

This is how the double life by the ultra-conservative Hungarian MEP József Szájer, which was taken Friday last week during a gay party in a Brussels apartment, to which the Belgian police had come alerted by neighbors about a possible violation of the restrictions in force against the coronavirus.

There were about 25 men in the department, most of them naked and at work. All would later be fined for violating antivirus regulations. Szájer, 59 years old tried to escape by sliding down a facade pipe – This is how he grazed his hands and the blood spurted out – but on the ground he was intercepted by the agents, before whom he invoked diplomatic status.

In addition, they found an ecstasy pill in his backpack, so the Belgian authorities are also investigating him for “violation of the law on narcotics”. He claims the drug was not his and that someone put it in his backpack.

The gay orgy by József Szájer, a person very close to the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, and himself one of the founders of his ultranationalist party Fidesz in 1988, represents a glaring contradiction with his political beliefs.

Belgian police are strolling in a street in the center of Brussels this Saturday.  Orgy attendees were fined for violating coronavirus restrictions.  Photo: EFE

Belgian police officers walk in a street in the center of Brussels this Saturday. Orgy attendees were fined for violating coronavirus restrictions. Photo: EFE

Szájer, a lawyer, has often boasted of being one of the authors of the 2011 Constitution promoted by Orbán, which defines among other things “the institution of marriage as the union between a man and a woman”. Based on these articles, homosexuals in Hungary cannot get married. This and other dispositions of the Orbán government over successive years have increasingly reduced their vital and social options.

József Szájer is married. His wife, Tünde Handó, is a judge at the Constitutional Court. The couple have a daughter. The double life he led, discovered this week by the salacious episode of a male sex orgy in the midst of a pandemic, reveals a hypocrisy with consequences on the lives of other people: while József Szájer enjoyed the atmosphere gay-friendly of the Brussels liberal in his private sexual activity, as a politician, he has helped promote laws unfavorable for the LGBTQ community in his country.

“Fidesz politicians teach us about Christianity and the family, but in the meantime they lead a totally different life,” said socioliberal Ferenc Gyurcsány, who was Prime Minister of Hungary between 2004 and 2009, of the Szájer affair. .

Blow to political career

The scandal that ended Szájer’s political career was unveiled on Tuesday, December 1. But the previous Sunday, the legislator had suddenly resigned from his post as MEP without giving a clear reason. He has been in office since 2004 and his resignation will not take effect until December 31. In a statement on Tuesday, Szájer admitted the circumstances of the celebration that the Belgian press had just revealed.

Hungarian Prime Minister, the far right Viktor Orban, has severely condemned his former ally József Szájer.  Photo: REUTERS

The Hungarian Prime Minister, the extreme right Viktor Orban, severely condemned his former ally József Szájer. Photo: REUTERS

“I was present; when the police asked me for my identity, as I did not have my papers with me, I declared that I was a member of the European Parliament, ”Szájer wrote.

“I deeply regret having violated the Covid restrictions. It was irresponsible of me. I am ready to shoulder the fine that goes with it, ”he added, in an effort to steer the scandal towards the coronavirus. He also left the Fidesz party.

Condena del first Viktor Orbán

The next day, when the silence of the ruling Hungarian party on the issue was already loud, Prime Minister Orbán handed down a conviction in statements to the newspaper Hungarian nation: “What József Szájer has done is not compatible with the values ​​of our political community. We will not forget or deny his 30 years of work, but what he has done is unacceptable and indefensible, ”he said.

His former colleague took, according to Orbán, “the only appropriate decision to apologize, to resign from his post as MEP and to leave Fidesz”.

And so this politician who was the most powerful voice of Viktor Orbán in Brussels is condemned to the ostracism of his. They had had a close relationship since the late eighties. Before joining the European Parliament in 2004, where he was now a member of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Szájer was for years at the head of the Fidesz parliamentary group in Hungary.

Orgy host David Manzheley, 29, spoke to media in Brussels these days, and said he is running these gay group sex parties through an app. for that. He assures us that he did not know Szájer, but that diplomatic staff from countries with homophobic governments participate in his parties.

The street where the department which was the scene of the festival is located, rue des Pierres, is part of the Brussels Gay Circuit; in fact, it’s on a street corner where the famous L’Homo Erectus bar is, now closed by the Covid like all restaurants and bars in Belgium. The pipe through which József Szájer fell badly in his attempt to escape is circulating frantically in videos on the Internet.

By María-Paz López, La Vanguardia correspondent in Berlin



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