The doubts about the motive and what the alleged mastermind of the assassination of the President of Haiti has promised the hired killers


People walk past a mural of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse after he was shot and killed by assailants at his private residence in Port-au-Prince, Haiti (Reuters)
People walk past a mural of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, after he was shot and killed by assailants at his private residence in Port-au-Prince, Haiti (Reuters)

Authorities said on Sunday they were holding a Haitian suspected of playing a leading role in the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, who allegedly recruited some of the attackers telling them that they would be his bodyguards.

Police said that Christian Emmanuel Sanon, 63 years old, planned to assume the presidency and hire some of the men as the security team. It seems, I say is a physician with long-standing ties to Florida. The announcement of his arrest comes at a time when senior officials of the FBI and of Department of Homeland Security they came to Haiti Sunday to discuss how I could help United States after the murder of Moses last week.

The boss of the National Police, Leon charles, he said that I say landed on Haiti by private plane at the beginning of June with “political goals“And recruited a team through a Venezuelan security company based in the United States. The team’s mission changed when one of its members was presented with an arrest warrant against Moses.

The president was shot July 7 by what the authorities described as a team of commandos in his house of Port Prince.

Over the weekend, sporadic gunshots were fired in Port Prince, which broke the relative calm that followed the murder of Moses, while the Violent gangs have threatened to fill the power vacuum in a country that no longer has a clear leader. The leader of a powerful gang called his supporters to the streets as residents shut their doors on the possibility of further bloodshed in a city already terrorized by criminal violence.

Haitian National Police Chief Leon Charles looks on during a press conference following the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti (Reuters)
Haitian National Police Chief Leon Charles looks on during a press conference following the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti (Reuters)

In the mystery and confusion that followed the murder of Moses, the gangs gave the city a break from the torrent of gunfire that killed hundreds of people this year. But although the answers remain elusive –the motive for the president’s assassination remains unclear, and at least four men have claimed to be in command now – the peace has been broken.

The leader of the most powerful gang in town, Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, called on his supporters to take to the streets in the coming days to demand “justice against this cowardly murder perpetrated by foreign mercenaries in the country”. In a video message posted on Saturday, the self-proclaimed revolutionary called on other gang leaders to join him in violence.

A resident of the district of Martissant, at Port Prince, a journalist in his twenties, spoke of fleeing if conditions worsen.

Anyone who stays in Martissant can be a victim at any timeSaid the man, who spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear for his safety. “Anyone who decides to hit the road knows that there are three possibilities: either you die, or you get injured, or you go home safe and sound.”.

An aerial view of Port-au-Prince in the troubled days after the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise (Reuters)
An aerial view of Port-au-Prince in the troubled days after the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise (Reuters)

Among the four men claiming the leadership of the government is the acting prime minister Claude joseph Yes Ariel henri, a neurosurgeon who Moses appointed prime minister two days before his death. Friday, members of the Senate, which does not work, they voted to appoint the head of the body, Joseph Lambert, as interim president of Haiti. In February, an opposition faction declared the Supreme Court judge acting president Joseph Patron Jean-Louis.

Joseph, internationally recognized but interviewed in his country, asked United States and at the The United Nations send troops to help provide security. The spokesperson for the Pentagon, John kirby, said Sunday that the candidacy was under consideration.

We analyze it, as we would any other request for help here at the Pentagon.“He told the presenter of”Fox News Sunday“, Chris Wallace.

Ask by Wallace on whether the events of Haiti are a matter of national security of United States, He said: “I don’t know if we’re at a point where we can say” this.

But clearly we appreciate our Haitian partners“, He said Kirby. “We value the stability and security in this country. And that’s why we want to send a team out there today to help you understand exactly what happened and what the best way forward is.. “

US officials lobbied Joseph keep its promise to hold the elections scheduled for September. But many here argue that elections are impossible as long as gangs continue to rule the streets.

Haitian police officers guard the residence where President of Haiti Jovenel Moise and his wife were shot and hospitalized in Miami, Florida, United States (Reuters)
Haitian police officers guard the residence where President of Haiti Jovenel Moise and his wife were shot and hospitalized in Miami, Florida, United States (Reuters)

Darling and his alliance of gang leaders, called the G9 family Yes Allies, they say they are engaged in a revolution to liberate Haiti of a rich class and a corrupt politics. Human rights organizations have accused Moses maintain ties with Darling.

In his video message, in which he appeared in working clothes in front of a Haitian flag, he pointed the finger at the country’s Syrian and Lebanese businessmen, of whom he said that “they hold this country and its economy hostage”. He said they should leave the country: “It is time for people like us to own supermarkets in this country. It’s time for us to own car dealers and banks”.

He said his supporters “they would practice what is called legitimate violence”. “If they shoot us you know what to do“, He said. “You are not children”.

On Saturday, hundreds of Haitian citizens presented their passports in front of the embassy of United States at Tabarre seek asylum.

Early on Saturday, an audio clip appeared on the account of Twitter of the first lady Martine moise, who was injured in the attack in which her husband died and is currently being treated at Florida. It has been described as a message from the first lady.

In the blink of an eye, mercenaries broke into my house and shot my husband“, dice Moses in the recording. She urged Haitians to continue their fight for Haiti.

Haitian authorities described the attackers as a squad of 28, including former Colombian soldiers and their two Haitian-American interpreters.

the Miami Herald identified I say like a doctor who has been for a long time Florida and that he has registered more than a dozen businesses in the state. Police said two other people were involved in the alleged scheme as “brainsMurder, but did not name them. Last week, police arrested two Haitian-Americans who allegedly worked as translators for the team; now they have arrested at least 21 people, most of them Colombians.

A US government official, who requested anonymity to discuss the matter, expressed doubts about the authenticity of the first lady’s recording.. “Considering the injury he sustained and the time the audio was played, it is doubtful that he is in medical condition to record such an audio clip.The official said.

But a Haitian government official said The Washington Post who spoke to a member of the First Lady’s security team at her hospital in Miami to confirm the authenticity of the message. The official, who requested anonymity for fear of escalating violence, expressed concern about the days leading up to the president’s funeral, which has yet to be dated.

Right now we’re trying to keep calm in the land“, He said.

(C) The Washington Post.-


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