The drama of a 39-year-old mother and 38 children | Chronic


Once again, reality goes beyond fiction. You could call it "the queen of fertility" but the life of Mariam Nabatanzi Few things have to do with luxury and royalty.

His story, tragic since birth, has only led to episodes of violence and uncontrollable fertility that doctors have not responded to. At 39 years old and with 38 children, she was abandoned by her husband and she needs every day to find a way to feed them and take care of them so that they can have the opportunities that she has been missing forever.

"I grew up crying, my man made me suffer a lot"said the woman at home in a Ugandan village surrounded by some of her children.

"All my life took care of my children and worked to earn money.I started to have adult responsibilities when I was very young.I think I have not had joy since birth "he remarked.

Three years ago, this Ugandan woman was abandoned by her husband, leaving her alone to provide for her 38 children. According to him, a few days after his birth, he experienced his first tragedy. She was barely a baby and her mother decided to leave her. His father rearmed his life. He remarried and years later, his mother-in-law made an appalling decision: he added frosted glbad to the food of his five brothers.

She went to visit another family member and when she returned home, all her brothers were dead. He escaped and at the age of 12, he was married, forced by a parent who gave him, with a man he prefers today. do not name. He was 40 years old, polygamous and had several children with his other wives.

One year after her marriage, Mariam became a mother for the first time. He had twins, two years later, they were tripled and soon quadrupled. He currently lives in Kabimbiri village in Uganda and gave birth to 44 children, six of whom died and is now 38. He has four sets of triplets, three sets of quadruplets and six sets of twins.

The others are born at birth. When Mariam was in her sixth birth, she already had 18 children. She needed to stop that uncontrolled ability to get pregnant, so she went to see a doctor. But they told her that nothing could be done because her ovaries were exceptionally big.

He was advised not to use contraceptives, such as pills, as they could cause health problems. "All my life took care of my children and worked to earn money"Assura Mariam.


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