The drama of Dr. Polo de Caso de Cerrado: his ex-wife has started a lawsuit of one million dollars


Ana María Polo was judged by Marlene Key, her partner for over 25 years: what she claims

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Details of the $ 1 million lawsuit filed by Dr. Polo of Caso de Cerrado by his ex-partner

Famous in the Hispanic-speaking world as "Dr. Polo ", host of the program Closed Case of the network Telemundo now it is Ana María Polo (59) who is to appear in court. At the center of the stage for her own personal problems, the popular TV star faces a request for two million dollars from Marlene Key her ex-right on the reality show. It is in this context that it has emerged that Dr. Polo and Key have been partners for over 25 years, and that in fact they have lived together for a long time.

The conflict in Justice is for the rights of the cycle name, but it crystallized by the bad relationship between the driver and the producer, and it's deepened in 2016, when Key left the cycle, as detailed by the review Pronto . Speaking to The Online Skyscraper of the Channel We are Miami TV the journalist Erich Concepción revealed: "The lawsuit is for the illegal use of the Case Closed name, which is on behalf of Marlene, and by the extraction (by Polo) of more than half a million dollars from a shared bank account. [19659006]

On the other hand, the producer ] José Antonio Orta co-founder of Caso Cerrado says: "Ana María chased Marlene from production and this destabilized the program, to the point that the Swiss machine that has never been returned was .. The program lost between 40 and 45 percent in the audience levels. "

Through a statement, the spokeswoman for Dr Polo said: "This request is an unfortunate attempt to harm the image of Dr. Ana María Polo and affect her husband. ativité recognized, and the success of its program Case closed. For this reason, it will respond with all the weight of the law to these unfounded allegations in order to obtain its resolution through the corresponding legal channels. There is a confidentiality agreement ordered by the court that Dr. Polo will respect. "

Thus, despite the fact that Ana María Polo was married to a man between 2001 and 2008, it was Marlene Key who had the power to decide extreme medical cases.In fact, in 2003, Dr. Polo contracted bad cancer and, fearing for her future, she granted him the rights to Case Closed program of which she was the image , conductor and creator

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