The drama of the man who suffers the most from Covid-19 in England – News


Jason Kelk is a teacher from Leeds known to be ‘the worst coronavirus patient’ in the whole of the UK. On April 1, 2020, he was rushed to a local hospital with a lung infection derived from Covid-19.

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The man was put on a ventilator just 48 hours later and has not been released from the hospital since, so weak he is still unable to walk without assistance.

The virus damage to his stomach reportedly led to a gastroparesis. This causes daily episodes of vomiting due to the inability of the stomach to empty normally.

As reported by the website of NHS England, gastroparesis may be linked to complications from surgery and type 2 diabetes, which Kelk suffers from.

the long CovidAs they call it, this includes shortness of breath, mental confusion, and muscle pain. It is estimated to affect one in ten people with the disease, but extreme cases, like Kelk’s, are very rare.

On the other hand, several studies suggest that Covid-19 can also alter the digestive system, which is why several scientists are asking health authorities to recognize diarrhea as a possible symptom of Covid.


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