The dramatic rescue of three children from a burning apartment: neighbors climbed into a sewer and became heroes


Dramatic footage shows how neighbors became heroes by scaling a 10-meter sewer pipe and making a human chain for saving three young children from a devastating fire, in Russia.

Three men climbed the pipe of a building block, passing a girl and two boys one by one from the window of his burning apartment on the third floor.

The heroes formed a human chain. (Photo: The Sun)

Locked inside, boys, less than 10 years, they were ready to jump out the window when the men went down the drain to save them. A fourth man on the ground grabbed them as they passed. The neighbors also saved the family’s cat, Pushok.

The man who took the children out the window is called Stanislav Smirnov, 40 years. forwarded them to Dhamal Gassoyan, 35, who says: “I saw that the children were about to jump. “We put the drain hose back up and took it out in turn. Then I saw that there was a cat left on the floor. So I went upstairs to save the cat. “

The children who stayed in the Kostroma oblast apartment “were all crying” and said they suffered minor burns. “Thank goodness they are safe now,” Dhamal exclaimed.

The third man hanging on the drain was Ivan Potyomine, 35 years.

The fire was reportedly caused when the children played with a lighter after being home alone. (Photo: The Sun)

A police report revealed that the parents “They locked their children at home and went out to drink”. “A fire broke out in the apartment, the door could not be broken, so the neighbors went up to the third floor with an evacuation hose,” he continued. “Risking their lives, the men saved the children from death through the window.

Apparently the fire was caused when the children they played with a lighter after being home alone. Russian authorities have now opened an investigation.

Stanislav Smirnov, the man who pulled the children out of the window. (Photo: The Sun)

A neighbor, Anna Bosak, said: “The poor children have burnt their hair. A little more and there would be no one left to save. ”Another resident, Elena Bosak, said that“ it was terrifying to see the children in the burning window ”.

Neighbors noticed the fire and acted quickly because they knew the firefighters would be slow to arrive.

“Fortunately, neither the children nor the adults were injured,” a local report said. “The firefighters who arrived on the scene managed to completely extinguish the fire in 40 minutes”.

The Russian Emergency Ministry thanked the “brave neighbors” for their efforts.


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