The Economist calls on Kristalina Georgieva to quit IMF amid World Bank data scandal


In addition to considering that “the scandal has undermined the credibility” of Georgieva, the influential economic publication estimated that the event may affect the reputation of the Monetary Fund itself.

“The Fund has its own influential research department. It is also the custodian of data standards for global macroeconomic statistics.”he recalled the article.

The boss of the IMF, he sketched, must “hold the ring” while two of its biggest shareholders, the United States and China, “clash in a new era of geopolitical rivalry”.

The Economist argued that “Critics of multilateralism are already citing this issue as proof that international organizations cannot stand up to China. “

“The next time the IMF attempts to arbitrate a currency dispute or helps reschedule the debt of a country that has borrowed from China, Fund critics will surely cite this investigation to undermine the institution’s credibility,” he said. noted the magazine.

Therefore, I continue the criticism, “Ms. Georgieva, an esteemed official of various international institutions, is expected to resign.”

A few days ago, after the World Bank investigation involving the head of the Fund became known, Georgieva rejected the findings of this study.

“I fundamentally disagree with the findings and interpretations of the Data Irregularity Survey, regarding my role in the World Bank’s Doing Business 2018 report.”He said in a brief statement.

Meanwhile, the IMF’s board met last Tuesday to discuss the report prepared for the World Bank, in which it is alleged that the director pressured staff at the time to change the data and thus favor China.

“The board has discussed the ethics committee’s deliberations so far and had a preliminary exchange of views on the report and the CEO’s statement in response to it,” said the official source of the Fund, who said the board would meet again to discuss the matter.

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