The editorial of Roberto Navarro: The audios of Stornelli's brigades beset by Cristina Kirchner


The reporter badyzed the complaint against the prosecutor for extortion.

February 18, 2019

Amidst the scandal of extortion cases involving the nation's attorney Carlos Stornelli, the journalist Roberto Navarro He badyzed the situation and affirmed, in his editorial this Sunday, that it was a "modus operandi" of Commodore Py. to "put the prey" to the former president Cristina Kirchner before the elections.

"The cause of the notebooks was conceived, put in place, was organized to prevent Cristina from winning the elections in 2019. What emerges from this research is that those who have to judge Cristina are criminals, "said Navarro.

To integrate

In this sense, he maintained, referring to those mentioned in the case of the notebooks, that "this cause is actually a business of extorting contractorswho sell what they have best: their freedom. "They were first told" or you accuse Cristina or you are imprisoned ". Now we tell them & # 39; You give me a string, or you go to jail & # 39; ", he added.

"It must be clear to stop Cristina"The journalist pointed out that it was a ploy by "business, media, judges and prosecutors and the US embbady" to try to block the former president.


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