The eight keys of Alberto Fernández | Foreign politic …


He looked relaxed. The tone was very similar to the one he uses in his criminal law clbades. Neither stridence nor cries were exposed, Thursday, September 5, to the Congress of Deputies of Spain, Alberto Fernández, in which he can be considered his first public article on foreign policy. He avoided all the slogans except one. But he repeated it three times: "Free Lula, Free Lula, Free Lula".

Accompanied by former governor Felipe Solá, as during the rest of his Iberian tour, the presidential candidate of the Todos Front has left eight keys in 20 minutes.

A key element, the reconstruction of Mercosur. AF ranked the Assemblies of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil as the foremost alliances in globalization with the imprint it defined as "multilateral and multipolar". The first thing to do is not to bind exclusively to a power, read the United States, Russia or China. The second seems to be an invitation to build or rebuild a pole: it would be Mercosur beyond, according to Fernández, the current political situation in Argentina and Brazil.

Key two, Latin American perspective. "Argentina seems to be the first country on the continent to react and react," said the applicant, who ranked first in the OSP by more than 16 points. He asked "to start building a different era in Latin America", to rebuild the unity "not only historically but also in terms of economic interests", and to dodge what the 39, we live today, when "everyone resolves his destiny".

Third key, different relations with the United States. He criticized AF "the fact that Argentina is now part of the Lima group and that it is so conditioned to US (North) policy." But he said, "This does not mean that he is having bad relations with the United States. We must have a mature relationship. "A first reading could interpret the hostility towards Washington." In any case, this is the announcement of the abandonment of the current automatic alignment, which in the case of Mauricio Macri was often not even not claimed by the White House, and building a different link.Or, directly, build your own link.

Fourth key, Venezuela's approach will not be interventionist. It stems from the questioning of belonging to the group of Lima, a group of countries formed in 2017, to side with the alleged president in charge Juan Guaidó against Nicolás Maduro. The Uruguay de Tabaré Vázquez and Mexico's Andrés Manuel López Obrador have distanced themselves from this position and have pleaded for a peaceful exit from the crisis. It would be necessary to put in place a possible government of Fernández-Fernández, not only because of the speech of the candidate, but also because of the synthesis between the different internal lines of the Front of all.

Fifth key: Defending the rule of law and due process in the foreign policy agenda. Fernández's first foreign policy gesture was to visit Lula in the prison. "Where we go, we must ask for their freedom," he said in Spain. He described the persecution against Rafael Correa as "unforgivable". "We must recover the best quality of the rule of law because there are arbitrary detentions and undue persecution," he said in general. He announced that in Argentina he would not work "at the resolution of anyone's freedom" but criticized "the use of detention during the process as a mechanism to persecute opponents". About Cristina Fernández de Kirchner described "systematic persecution that has built legal theories to promote prosecution".

Sixth key, the solution of indebtedness at the center of internal and external policy. He recalled that it was difficult to get out of the default situation and promised to meet the commitments made but warned: "Do not ask us to do it at the expense of the deterioration of our people because the Argentines have already a lot of delay. "

Seventh key, an explicit commitment to Uruguay and the recognition that the pastor's crisis has been left behind. AF has stayed at the residence of the Ambbadador of Uruguay in Spain, Francisco Bustillo. He was ambbadador to Argentina between 2005 and 2010, just during the conflict between the two countries for pulp mills. Uruguay will have elections on the same day as Argentina, on October 27. Fernández's second visit was to the former president of Frente Amplio, Pepe Mujica, who now appoints Montevideo Mayor Daniel Martínez.

Eighth key, the compensation of asymmetries of power as a key to integration. Fernández invoked this principle for possible integration into the European Union. "With asymmetries, you can not talk about badociation," he said, after saying that "we always dream of growing up again and industrializing ourselves".

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