The electronic application allows to check the hygiene of the hotel sheets


A laundry in the big city of Wuhan (central China) has since last week to equip the sheets and towels of these establishments contactless radio identification chips, to verify the traceability of the cleaning.

Last year, a viral video showed the employees of several luxury hotels cleaning the windows of the rooms with the same cloth used to clean the bathroom appliances, including toilets, which provoked a big scandal China

Several five-star establishments, including some in the chain Ritz-CarltonThey had to apologize, but the case showed the lack of hygiene in some hotels with very high rates.

French fries record washing and reception times by hotel staff. This information can be accessed by scanning with a smartphone a QR code (quick response) on sheets or towels.

This initiative was celebrated Monday in the social network Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter. "This system should be set up all over the country," said one enthusiastic Internet user.

"When I travel, I wear my own sheets, since one day after my stay at the hotel, I have had a rash that has covered me with red spots," commented another.

Once sewn into sheets and towels, these chips can withstand temperatures of up to 180ºC and about 200 washes, according to Beijing-based Bluesky TRS, which markets them.


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