The elephant fell and crushed the public in a circus


  • MANADE. Specialists speak of a misunderstanding in the pack, explaining the surprise action

GERMANY. An elephant who participated in a circus show in the city of Osnabrück (Germany) stumbled upon a group of spectators after another specimen caused him to lose stability in full meeting.

The event occurred when one of the three pachyderms who participated in one act suddenly attacked another, pushed it with force and it collapsed with his rider on the crowd. Fortunately, the situation did not go to the major and only one person suffered minor injuries.

Event officials look for the cause of copying behavior and think this is due to a misunderstanding within the flock. The incident has provoked a heated debate in the country about the use of wild animals in shows of this type.

The Indian elephant also brought out his pet companion from the ring where the act was done and fall where he was. the audience, who was shocked by what was happening.


It happened while elephants were ridden by circus performers, but only one person in attendance suffered minor injuries see end [19659010] Comments

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