The Emir of Dubai invites only men to the wedding of three of their children


The emir of Dubai, Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid al-Maktoum, on Thursday offered a reception for the marriage bond of his heir, Sheikh Hamdan, and two of his sons, Sheikh Maktoum and Ahmed. The three men were married on May 15 during a private religious ceremony, but according to Islamic custom, the marriage does not come into effect until the day set for the wedding. As it is traditional, at the party only the male parents of the contractors and their male guests go. Women will celebrate separately in the coming days.

All the wives belong to one of the branches of the ruling family, the Al Maktum. The 36-year-old heir, who chairs the Dubai government, married Sheikh Saikha Bint Said bin Thani al Maktoum; his brother Maktoum, 35, who is vice governor of the emirate with Sheikh Maryam Bint Butti al Maktum; and Ahmad, 32, who chairs the foundation of knowledge named after his father, with Sheikh Midya Bint Dalmuj al Maktum. Official information does not indicate the ages or occupations of the princesses.

For three weeks, the office of Sheikh Mohamed announced the engagement. The images of the emir and his three children have multiplied, both in newspapers and on social networks. Do not let anyone wait for a picture of couples. Despite the modernity projected by its skyscrapers and openness to tourism, Dubai, one of the seven members of the United Arab Emirates federation, continues hooked on traditions. It's a way to reinforce national identity in a country where the local population is in the minorityOf the nine and a half million inhabitants, only one million are Emirati.

In the traditional families of the Arabian Peninsula, women are not seen by strangers. Sheikh Hind, main wife of the emir and mother of the three princes who are now married, she is hardly known outside her family circle. Although segregation gradually disappears from public life, leaders take into account the social fabric of their country. Many of the Emirates work in all sectors of the economy and the UAE boast of having nine ministers among the 32 members of the government. However, in cafeterias and public events, women and men tend to form separate groups.

The age of the couple also attracts attention. Although the first marriages were also delayed in this part of the world, the princes exceed the 27 years to which are married, according to the last statistics, the Emiratis (24 years). In any case, marriage is always a compulsory step for full acceptance in the society of an adult.

The guests at the triple wedding. Photo: AFP.
The guests at the triple wedding. Photo: AFP.

For a week now, the bright decoration announces the triple marriage in the homes of the contractors. The engagements of the Gulf monarchies are usually private affairs without the echo of European royalty in the tabloids. However, Dubai is still distinguished. In 1979, when Sheikh Mohamed married Sheikh Hind, the emirate threw the house out the window during the celebration, for which a stadium had been built, accommodating 20,000 people. This time, the guests' reception takes place in the World Trade Center building, while the social networks are the virtual stage for the rest.

In fact, before the official confirmation, the date of the wedding was known thanks to the images of the invitation that some of the recipients had broadcast on their accounts. Significantly, the only female figure badociated with this news was that of the governess of the three princes, known as Mama Noora, who appears with them on the picture of her Instagram account with which she congratulates them.

The Dubai government also used the networks to broadcast footage of Thursday's meeting. They see the arrival of the guests, with the leaders of other emirates in the first place, dressed in the traditional tunic (kandora) and the gold-trimmed cloak (bisht), while a male troupe perform the stick dance (Al Ayala). Only this greeting can last a few hours. But according to previous experiences, the most spectacular party will be the one that brings women together. The index on this subject was offered a year ago by Sheikh Maryam, one of the 14 girls from the emir, by broadcasting unusual videos of the show she had offered to guests at her wedding. Although badistants are not seen in recordings, it is common for them to compete with haute couture and spectacular jewels.


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