The emotional rescue of an overweight rat who was stuck in a sewer – 27/02/2019


Firefighters in the city of Bensheim, Germany, received a call for help because an animal was in danger and they needed to get there immediately. What they have never imagined, it is the unusual mission that they had to accomplish.

A little girl was walking down the street when she saw an anguished and screaming rat trapped in one of the holes of the cover of a sewer. His excess weight prevented him from moving and with his front legs he could not force himself to escape.

The rat was stuck between the holes of the sewer (AP).

The rat was stuck between the holes of the sewer (AP).

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

"I had a lot of winter fat and I could not move forward or backward," said a spokesman for the local animal rescue service, Rhein Neckar, who tried to release the "lamb". animal before notifying the fire department.

Seven firefighters came to save the rodent. Once there, they opened the sewer cover and pushed it out of the hole. Subsequently, the animal He was released in nature.

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The images were shared on Facebook and all users congratulated them and thanked them for saving the animal. The publication was shared almost 2,000 times and generated more than 5,000 reactions.

On the other hand, one of Rhein Neckar's volunteers, who helped firefighters, received a letter from the girl who found the rat. In thank-you mode, the little girl drew the rodent surrounded by hearts.

The publication on Facebook of the local animal rescue service Rhein Neckar.

The publication on Facebook of the local animal rescue service Rhein Neckar.



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