The end of legal abortions is advancing in the United States


Alabama has approved its total ban.

United States. Alabama has just pbaded the toughest law on the ban on abortion in the United States. Voted by a group of exclusively male, white and Republican lawmakers, the fate of this legislation – which almost completely forbids the possibility of terminating a pregnancy – is now in the hands of Governor Kay Ivey.

The new legislation will erect the termination of pregnancy at any time of life, with almost no exception. The approval of the text by a wide margin in the Senate, controlled by the Republican Party, pbades the ball to Governor Ivey, who has long been identified as opposed to abortion. Ivey did not disclose without sanctioning the standard. One of the initiators of the initiative, Terri Collins, expects the leader to support the ban. Apparently, the governor intends not to comment again.

Alabama has joined other states, as well as politicians and anti-abortion activists, encouraged by the conservative new profile of the Supreme Court in the United States. They hope that these cases reach the highest court and thus override the 1973 law that legalized abortion, a project based on the historical case Roe v. Wade. If this happens, Americans will see the end of the constitutional right to abortion. In total, about 16 states are seeking to impose new restrictions on abortion, in addition to those that have already approved bans. Among those with laws and those seeking laws, the total is 28 US anti-abortion states.


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