The Englishman who auctioned the helmet of an Argentine soldier from the Falklands canceled the sale – 27/02/2019


The Englishman who offered the helmet used by the Argentine soldier Jorge Beto Altieri to the Battle of Mount Longdon The auction took place a few minutes before it went on sale.

"The announcement you are looking for is over"eBay reported on Wednesday one of the world's most famous sales websites, where an Englishman named Bruce had released the helmet with a base of $ 13,000 or half a million pesos.

The announcement by eBay of the cancellation of the auction in London.

The announcement by eBay of the cancellation of the auction in London.

The helmet, perforated by the bursts of a bomb and by the seams and arrangements of the war, had a sentimental value for Altieri, who had been looking for him for years.

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"With my comrades, I fought against the Third British Parachute Battalion in Monte Longdon, where I was hit by a burst of an English bomb that killed many of our soldiers and injured many of them. . This helmet saved my life, "he said.

Damage and seams of the helmet, in detail. Photo: eBay

Damage and seams of the helmet, in detail. Photo: eBay

The causes for which Bruce canceled the publication do not extend, although it is badumed that this could have been for comments received or for Altieri's own testimony.

Jorge Altieri wants to recover his helmet. Photo: file

Jorge Altieri wants to recover his helmet. Photo: file

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Although Altieri does not have the money to buy it, he does not lose hope of getting it back. "Now, I hope to be lucky and that a state or foreign ministry official can contact me to help me negotiate with this man." I do not want to "He gives me the headphones," he says, "it allows me to raise money to pay for it and even earn something over 800 pounds he put."

"The dissident hit me at the front, and even on the auction pictures, we can see the hole," says Altieri. EBay Photo


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