The ephemeris of the day: what happened on July 18 | Events in Argentina and around the world


In ephemeris of July 18 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1817. Jane Austen dies at 41 in Winchester, Great Britain. He was born in 1775. His novels were hallmarks of the Georgian era, the pre-Victorian era. His first novel was Sense and sensitivity, which was followed Pride and prejudice, the most famous of his works. So they would come Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey Yes Persuasion, novel published a year after his death, victim of Addison’s disease. His work has been adapted for cinema on several occasions.

1872. Mexican President Benito Juárez has passed away. He held the post from 1858 until his death. He was born in Oaxaca in 1806, in a family of the Zapotec ethnicity. He graduated in law and became governor of Oaxaca. He went into exile in New Orleans when General Antonio López de Santa Anna took power. Upon his return he assumed the presidency and in his first three years as president he faced a civil conflict, the reformist war between liberals and conservatives, which resulted in liberal victory and nationalization. property of the Church. He later faced the invasion of France. He defeated the invaders and Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg was shot. In his later years, after two long wars, Juárez devoted himself to the promotion of education in Mexico.

1918. Nelson Mandela was born in Mvezo, South Africa. The leader of the African National Congress spent 27 years imprisoned by apartheid supremacists, between 1963 and 1990. He was released and began the presidential race, which he won in the historic 1994 elections. , the first during which the black majority was able to vote. . He remained in government until 1999. In 1993 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with Frederik De Klerk, the last white president and architect of the transition to a democratic South Africa. His last public appearance dates back to 2010, when the FIFA World Cup opened. Fifteen years earlier, as president, Mandela had used another World Cup, that of rugby, won by South Africa, to promote coexistence between whites and blacks. He passed away on December 5, 2013. The date of his birth has been set by the UN as International Nelson Mandela Day.

1936. A military uprising against the government of the Second Spanish Republic fails and leads to the start of a warlike conflict. The uprising of Moroccan troops, under the command of Francisco Franco, marks the beginning of the coup against President Manuel Azaña. Left groups reject the putschists in various parts of the country and the crisis leads to the Spanish Civil War. The country will bleed to death for the next three years until the victory of Franco, who will lead a totalitarian regime until his death in 1975.

1994. A bomb explodes in the AMIA, killing 85 people. This is the second attack on a Jewish target in Buenos Aires after that suffered by the Israeli embassy in 1992. The investigation points to a car bomb. Thus a car screwdriver, Carlos Telleldín, and a group of police officers from Buenos Aires were acquitted in 2004 after a three-year trial. Following this decision, President Néstor Kirchner formed the AMIA fiscal unit under Alberto Nisman, who, after the Memorandum of Understanding with Iran, accused President Cristina Fernández. Nisman was found dead before testifying before Congress. At the same time, the cover-up case advanced, compromising former President Carlos Menem. Eight people were convicted, but Menem was acquitted. The attack continues unpunished.

In addition, it is the International Day of the Marina of Vaquita.


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