The ephemeris of the day: what happened on June 12 | Facts…


In June 12 anniversary These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1929. Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main. She left Germany as a child with her parents and sister after Hitler’s rise and the persecution of Jews began. They settled in Amsterdam. On her 13th birthday, she receives a diary as a gift. After a month, the Franks hide from the Nazis (who already occupy Holland) in a hiding place behind the offices where the father worked, in what is called “the secret house”, at number 263 Prinsengracht. They share the place with another married couple and their son and with another man. Ana wrote her feelings in the diary for a little over two years, until on August 4, 1944, the Gestapo broke in and abducted the eight occupants of the premises. Ana died of typhus at the Bergen-Belsen camp in February 1945. Only her father, Otto, was saved from the occupants of the hideout. Miep Gies, Otto Frank’s secretary who helped them during these two years, finds the newspaper in “the secret house” after the emergence of the Gestapo. He gives it to Ana’s father, who decides to publish it. It thus becomes one of the most publicized testimonies on the Holocaust.

1935. The Chaco War ends, which from 1932 confronts Paraguay and Bolivia. It was the deadliest war conflict of the 20th century in South America. The war for the possession of the Northern Chaco culminates with a peace protocol which is signed in Buenos Aires and certifies the victory of Paraguay. The negotiation of the Argentinian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Saavedra Lamas, will earn him the Nobel Peace Prize the following year. In nearly three years of war, Bolivia mobilized 250,000 soldiers and lost around 60,000; Paraguay suffers 30,000 victims out of 120,000 men. Three quarters of the conflict zone remain under Paraguayan sovereignty.

1941. Armando Anthony Corea was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts. One of the greatest jazz musicians of the second half of the 20th century, Chick Corea was instrumental in the development of jazz fusion as a pianist for Miles Davis. In the early 1970s, he created the group Return to Forever. He then formed The Electric Band, the Akoustic Band, a trio, and another group, the Five Peace Band. He has collaborated with Gary Burton and Paco de Lucía, among others. He died on February 9, 2021.

1974. Juan Domingo Perón delivers his last speech. He does so in front of a popular demonstration, on a tense day: a few hours before, when he goes to the country by channel, he suggests that he can leave the presidency if there is no support for his program. government. During the afternoon, thousands of people gather in Plaza de Mayo and the justice leader speaks from the balcony of Casa Rosada. “I carry in my ears the most wonderful music, which for me is the word of the Argentine people”, he declared during his farewell 19 days before his death.

1989. Raúl Alfonsín announces his intention to step down as president and hand over command in advance to president-elect Carlos Menem. There are six months until the formal handover of power and the hyperinflationary crisis is devouring the first democratic government. On May 14, Menem won over the radical candidate, Eduardo Angeloz. In addition to the constant price remark, there is the looting of supermarkets. The radical government and Menem negotiate the date of the transfer and Alfonsín settles any discussion with his resignation. Menem will take up his post on July 8.

2003. Gregory Peck, one of the classic Hollywood stars, dies at 87. He starred in two Alfred Hitchcock films in the mid-1940s: Talking about oneself Yes the paradine case. He also appeared around this time in The invisible barrier and in Duel in the sun. In the 1950s he played The princess who wanted to live, Moby Tail Yes Horizons of Greatness. In the early 1960s he was seen in The canyons of Navarone and in Kill a mockingbird, for which he won the Oscar. He later starred in The prophecy and did Josef Mengele Children of Brazil. He also acted under the command of the Argentine Luis Puenzo in Gringo Viejo.

2012. Singer Adrián Otero dies in a traffic accident. The car he was driving on the Rosario-Córdoba highway overturned near Ballesteros and died instantly. He was 53 years old. Otero has been the voice, for more than two decades, of Memphis la Blusera, a group with which he has made a name for himself. He left the group to pursue his solo career. Three weeks after his death, released his second solo album, The blue rider.

In addition, it is the World Day Against Child Labor.


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