The ephemeris of the day: what happened on October 7 | Events in Argentina and around the world


In ephemeris of October 7 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1939. Enrique Pinti was born in Buenos Aires. The actor and comedian performed in the concert café of the 70s. His show creole sauce, premiered at the Liceo Theater in 1984, was on view for ten years. He also participated in cinema, in films such as Waiting for the cart and Lost for lost.

1952. Born in what was then Leningrad, present-day Saint Petersburg, Russia’s strongman of this century: Vladimir Putin. KGB agent, entered politics after the dissolution of the USSR. He rose through the ranks at the hands of Boris Yeltsin and the resignation of the then president on the last day of 1999 placed him in the Kremlin. He was re-elected in 2004 and after four as Prime Minister, he returned to the presidency in 2012, with another re-election in 2018. With him, Russia is influencing the world stage as never since the fall of the Wall.

1985. Emilio Eduardo Massera delivers his argument in the Boards trial. The former head of the Navy maintains that a “war” has been waged and that his judges “have the chronicle”, while he has “the history”. The play is totally cynical. Two months later, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment with Jorge Rafael Videla.

1989. President Carlos Menem signs a series of pardons that provoke strong reactions against him. The president grants pardon to military leaders who were not covered by the endpoint and due obedience, such as Luciano Benjamín Menéndez (with the exception of Guillermo Suárez Mason, extradited from the United States), which provokes debates legal, because forgiveness is that it confers on the accused, not the condemned. The military junta led by Leopoldo Galtieri is also pardoned over the conviction for its conduct of the Malvinas War and all the faces of the three uprisings against Raúl Alfonsín. In a fourth decree, the members of the armed organizations are pardoned, thus placing them on an equal footing with the military, in the consecration of the theory of the two demons. About 1,200 people benefited from it. Pardons were declared unconstitutional in 2006 by the Criminal Cassation Chamber in cases of crimes against humanity.

1991. At the age of 75, the writer Natalia Ginzburg died in Rome. Wife of Leone Ginzburg (assassinated by the Nazis in 1944) and mother of historian Carlos Ginzburg, in her work she highlights Family Lexicon, a novel which in 1963 won him the Strega Prize, the most important of Italian letters. Other works: The city and the house and The Manzoni family. She was a member of the Italian Communist Party.

2010. The Swedish Academy awards the Nobel Prize for Literature to Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa. He is the first Spanish-speaking writer to receive the award in twenty years and the sixth Latin American to receive it. The author of Conversation in the Cathedral, The war at the end of the world and The Goat FestivalHe was 74 when he received the Nobel and in political matters he exposes neoliberal ideas.

It is also the world bald day.


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