The ephemeris of the day: what happened on September 13 | Events in Argentina and around the world


In ephemeris of September 13 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1874. Arnold Schönberg was born in Vienna. He was the composer who broke the tonal rules and caused controversy with his work. The musician adopted the twelve-tone technique and was part of the Second Vienna School with his disciples Alban Berg and Anton Webern. He emigrated to the United States because of Nazism and died in 1951. Works: Transfigured night, Five pieces for orchestra, the piano concerto, Pelléas and Mélisande and the opera Moses and Aaron.

1916. Welsh writer Roald Dahl was born, one of the most recognized in children’s literature. He was of Norwegian descent. Among his most famous works, including several in the cinema, are Charlie and the chocolate factory, Mathilde, The great debonair giant and August trot. For the adult audience he wrote his Tales of the Unexpected. He died in 1990.

1928. Italian writer Ettore Schmitz, universally known as Italo Svevo, has passed away. He was born in Trieste in 1861. Friend of James Joyce, he will become famous with his novel Zeno’s consciousness, influenced by the author’s reading of Ulises. He also published The king is dead, Old age, Mother and The two poets, among other works.

1996. Rapper Tupac Shakur dies after six days of agony after being shot four times in Las Vegas. She was 25 and was born in New York City as Lesane Parish Crooks. Also known as 2Pac, it had achieved critical and commercial success. Months before the crime, he had been convicted of sexual abuse and was embroiled in the rivalry between East and West Coast rappers. A rival rapper, The Notorious BIG, was suspected of having been murdered in March 1997. Those responsible for the two crimes were never found and the second was said to have been revenge for Shakur’s death. The posthumous sales of 2Pac albums were massive.

2007. The International Automobile Federation is imposing a hundred million dollar penalty and removing it from all Constructors Cup points on the McLaren team for the so-called Spygate. It is a case of espionage which shakes the Formula 1. Ferrari had lodged a complaint for theft of technical information. The English team finds itself not only without the possibility of winning the constructors ‘world championship, but also the drivers’ world championship. Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso, who face each other, leave empty-handed in the last race, in Brazil, in which the Ferrari of Finn Kimi Räikkönen is embedded.

2020. Mario Cafiero dies at the age of 64. Son of Antonio Cafiero, he was national deputy between 1997 and 2005. He accompanied Pino Solanas to Proyecto Sur and joined the government of Frente de Todos. At the time of his death, he was responsible for the National Institute of Associativism and Social Economy (INAES).

Also, it is World Sepsis Day and International Chocolate Day; and in Argentina, it is Librarian Day, for the anniversary of the creation, in 1810, of the National Library.


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