The ephemeris of the day: what happened on September 15 | Events in Argentina and around the world


In ephemeris of September 15 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1876. The first issue of Herald of Buenos Aires. The English-language newspaper remained in the streets until it closed in 2017. It made history for its firm defense of human rights by denouncing on its pages the disappearances during the last dictatorship, a position which forced its director, Robert Cox, to leave the country in 1979.

1890. Agatha Christie, one of the great detective writers of the 20th century, was born. He lived until 1976 and left a vast literary work, which was brought to film and television. She has been the creator of characters like Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, whom she has read through several novels. In addition, he wrote the hit play The mousetrap. She is considered the best-selling novelist of all time, with nearly two billion copies.

1914. Adolfo Bioy Casares was born in Buenos Aires. Friend of Jorge Luis Borges, he created with him the writer H. Bustos Domecq and, under this common pseudonym, published Six problems for Don Isidro Parodi in 1942. It was the first of several collaborative books. Two years earlier he had started his literary career with Morel’s invention. Other titles: Evacuation plan, The dream of heroes, Pig War Diary and Sleep in the sun. Married to Silvina Ocampo, with her and Borges he prepared the Anthology of fantastic literature. Along with Borges, he also directed the collection of the detective novel El Séptimo Círculo, in which he published Those who love, hate, written in four hands with his wife. He obtained the Cervantes Prize in 1990. He died on March 8, 1999. His private papers are gathered in On the road (1967), 1996 and after his death in Walkers are resting, Borges and Wilcock.

1926. Antonio Carrizo, one of the icons of Argentine radio, was born in General Villegas. He was riding cycles like Life and song. He was also a regular interviewer for Jorge Luis Borges and participated in the cycle Each star has against, as a partner of Juan Carlos Calabró. He passed away in 2016.

1937. Fernando de la Rúa was born in Cordoba. He made his political career in the city of Buenos Aires. Elected senator in 1973, he accompanies Ricardo Balbín in the formula beaten by the pair Perón-Perón. In 1983, he lost the presidential intern to Raúl Alfonsín, but returned to the Senate. He left the bank in 1989 and recovered it three years later. In 1996, he became the first head of government in Buenos Aires. He beat Graciela Fernández Meijide inside Alianza, then beat Eduardo Duhalde. His government is no different from Carlos Menem’s: it maintains convertibility and adjustments to support a faltering model. Vice President Carlos Álvarez has resigned due to the Senate corruption scandal, which has plagued the Alliance government. After Ricardo López Murphy’s failure, Domingo Cavallo was played, but everything got worse. The corralito of December 1, 2001 led to a total crisis and a state of siege on December 19, in a day of incidents. De la Rúa resigned the next day, amid a formidable crackdown with more than thirty dead. In the following years, he was dismissed from the causes of repression of December 20 and corruption in the Senate. He passed away on July 9, 2019.

1980. One of the greatest jazz pianists in history dies in New York: Bill Evans. He was born in 1929 in New Jersey. He was part of the history combo Kind of blueby Miles Davis then led a trio. He left an important discography.

2008. The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. The financial services company, founded in 1850, had $ 60 billion in bad mortgage loans. The bankruptcy of an investment bank is sinking stock markets around the world. Europe is allocating 42 billion euros to slow the spread of the crisis. The next day, the Federal Reserve takes 80% of AIG’s shares, spending $ 85 billion to avoid bankruptcy. The fall of Lehman Brothers marks the pulse of an international financial crisis on a scale never seen before.

2012. Five days before her 84th birthday, dancer Olga Ferri dies. He was a prominent figure in the Teatro Colón ballet. He danced with Rudolf Nureyev and then devoted himself to teaching. Paloma Herrera is one of his disciples.

2018. José Manuel De la Sota died in a road accident in Cordoba, at the age of 68. He led the Peronist renewal in his province in the 1980s and accompanied Antonio Cafiero in the formula defeated by the pair Carlos Menem-Eduardo Duhalde in 1988. Later, he was Ambassador to Brazil and National Senator. He was elected governor of his province in 1998 and in 2003 he was re-elected. After leaving the post to Juan Schiaretti, he returned in 2011 and ruled until 2015.

It is also International Day of Democracy and World Lymphoma Awareness Day.


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