The ephemeris of the day: what happened on September 21 | Events in Argentina and around the world


In ephemeris of September 21 These events in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1929. Héctor Alterio was born. One of Argentina’s most acclaimed actors, he has shone in films such as The seven fools, Truce and Rebellious patagonia before going into exile in Spain due to threats from Triple A. He returned in the 80s and was seen in Camila and The official story. He later starred in films like Wild horses, Ashes of paradise and Son of the bride.

● 1947. Born in Portland, Maine, one of the most famous writers of the past half century: Stephen King. Author of classics like Shine, Misery and 11/22/63, has renewed the horror story and is one of the best-selling in the world, with dozens of film and TV adaptations. He is also the author of As i write, an essay in which he looks back on his life and gives the keys to his style.

● 1961. Actor Diego Capusotto was born. He was part of the cast of actors that surrounded Alfredo Casero in Cha cha cha. Later, with Fabio Alberti, he was the visible face of All for two pesos. Since 2006, and with scripts by Pedro Saborido, he was in charge of Peter Capusotto and his videos, a cult show. He also dabbled in the theater with Tadeys, and in the cinema he played Birds in flight and I am your adventure.

● 1969. Pablo Echarri was born, one of the most popular actors of Argentinian television in the last quarter of a century. Monte Cristo, you are looking for them, I will resist, The chosen, are some of the fictions in which he starred on television. In the cinema, we see it in films like Payment burnt, Chronicle of a leak and Thursday widows.

● 1971. At the age of 84, Bernardo Houssay, Argentina’s first Nobel laureate in science, dies. He won the medicine prize in 1947, shared with the North American couple who formed Carl and Gerty Cori. The award was for research into the role of pituitary hormones in the regulation of glucose, which is key in the development of diabetes. Later, at the end of the 1950s, Houssay was a promoter of the creation of Conicet. April 10, the day of his birth, is Scientific Researcher’s Day in the country.

● 1976. DINA, Augusto Pinochet’s secret police, assassinates Orlando Letelier, Salvador Allende’s former foreign minister and fierce denouncer of the dictatorship established three years earlier in Chile in Washington. Alongside the socialist politician, in the explosion of the car that transported him and which occurred a few blocks from the White House, his US secretary, Ronni Moffitt, also died.

● 1987. Following the beatings received ten days before when he wanted to enter a concert by Carlos Santana, the talented bassist Jaco Pastorius died in Fort Lauderdale. He was 36 years old and had won over with his technique in the 1970s. He was a member of Weather Report and went on to record albums with his own band, Worth of Mouth.

● 2009. Manuel Zelaya, the ousted president of Honduras, ousted from power by a coup d’état on June 28, returned to his country almost three months later and stayed at the Brazilian embassy.

In addition, Students’ Day is celebrated, with the arrival of spring; and it is Photographer’s Day, since on September 21 the daguerreotype technique arrived in the country.


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