The ephemeris of the day: what happened on September 25 | Events in Argentina and around the world


In ephemeris of September 25 These events that happened in Argentina and in the world a day like today stand out:

1897. In New Albany, Mississippi, one of the most influential writers of the 20th century was born: William Faulkner. Author of novels such as sanctuary, Wild palm trees, While torment and The sound and the furyHe received the Nobel Prize in 1949. His imprint marked the authors of the Latin American Boom of the 1960s. He died in 1962.

1929. Pepe Soriano was born, one of Argentina’s most prolific actors. He has shone in cinema since the 60s. In his filmography they stand out Tute Cabrero, Juan Lamaglia and Mrs., Rebellious patagonia and The nineth. In Spain he played Wait for me in heaven, in which he played Francisco Franco. He took over the character of The nineth at the theater, and traveled countless stages with his one-man show The parrot of Calabria.

1941. Birth of Raymundo Gleyzer, an Argentinian filmmaker who focused on the documentary genre. In 1973, he filmed Traitors, in which he describes the parable of a fictitious Peronist trade union leader who, from the defense of the base, was part of the power network at the time of the ban. Gleyzer has been missing since May 27, 1976.

1949. Pedro Almodóvar was born in Calzada de Calatrava, in the province of Ciudad Real. The most international of Spanish filmmakers of the last decades was part of the Madrid scene of the early 80s. During these years he shot comedies, such as What have I done to deserve this? and Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown, which was nominated for an Oscar. In the 90s, he turned to melodramatic films, among which stand out Distant heels, The flower of my secret and All about my mother, which won him the Oscar for best foreign film. For I spoke with her They would give him another statuette, for the original script. Later films like To recover, The skin that I live in, Juliet and Pain and Glory.

1957. The dictatorship of the Duvalier family in Haiti begins. François Duvalier, known as “Papa Doc”, assumes the presidency for life. When he died in 1971, he was replaced by his 19-year-old son, Jean-François. Duvalier Jr., known as “Baby Doc”, was overthrown in 1986. In 29 years of power combined with terror, father and son cemented Haiti as the poorest country in the hemisphere.

1973. A left-wing Peronist commando kills José Ignacio Rucci, the secretary general of the CGT. The crime makes noise, 48 hours after the crushing triumph of Juan Domingo Perón. Rucci was 49 years old and part of the Social Pact signed in June, under the chairmanship of Héctor Cámpora.

1979. On Broadway premieres To avoid, the musical composed by Andrew Lloyd-Weber, with lyrics by Tim Rice. The duo had enjoyed huge success with Jesus Christ Superstar. Rice was based on the book The woman with the whip, an anti-Peronist biography written by Mary Main. The song “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” became a hit with a life of its own. The musical arrived at the cinema in 1996, with direction of Alan Parker, and with Madonna like protagonist; and had scenes shot at Casa Rosada and Plaza de Mayo.

2005. At the controls of his Renault, the Spaniard Fernando Alonso has established himself in Brazil as the youngest Formula 1 world champion in history, at the age of 24. Lewis Hamilton would overtake him in 2008, with 23. Alonso cut the dominance of top-dominating Michael Schumacher and Ferrari over the previous five years and repeated the title in 2006.

It is also International Ataxia Day and World Pharmacist Day.


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