The ephemeris of the day: what happened on September 29 | Events in Argentina and around the world


In ephemeris of September 29 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1820. The caudillo Francisco Ramírez founds the Republic of Entre Ríos. It is an independent state within the United Provinces of Río de la Plata. Ramírez died in July 1821 at the hands of Estanislao López’s troops and soon after Entre Ríos became a province again.

1899. Ladislao Biro was born in Budapest. Inventor and journalist, he moved to Argentina, where he died in 1985. His most famous invention was the pen. In his honor, in Argentina, September 29 is the feast of the inventor.

1902. French writer Émile Zola died of carbon monoxide suffocation after covering the chimney with a stove. Even today, we wonder if he was murdered. A representative of naturalist literature, the author of Germinal and Nana was, with his public letter I accuse, the visible face among those who denounced the lie of the legal proceedings against Captain Alfred Dreyfus, accused of espionage in a procedure with an anti-Semitic connotation.

1912. In Ferrara was born Michelangelo Antonioni, one of the main directors of Italian cinema. Titles like The night, Adventure and The red desert, gave him worldwide fame. His most famous film is Explode, based on the tale “Las babas del diablo”, by Julio Cortázar. He received an honorary Oscar in 1995. He died in 2007.

1951. Michelle Bachelet, Chile’s first woman president, was born in Santiago. The daughter of an air force officer, she suffered the murder of her father after the coup, in addition to being tortured in a clandestine center. He went into exile in East Germany. She was Minister of Defense before being elected President in 2005. She stepped down four years later and in 2013 she got a second term. She is now the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

1964. The magazine Cover page presents in the company a comic strip by Quino, pseudonym of Joaquín Salvador Lavado: Mafalda. The little girl with progressive ideas and her friends will be a symbol of the 60s in Argentina and her fame will reach everyone in Ibero-America.

2012. Rear Admiral Carlos Büsser, senior military commander of the April 2, 1982 landings in the Falklands, dies at the age of 84. He had been in house arrest for three years, awaiting trial for crimes against humanity.

In addition, at the request of the World Health Organization, it is World Heart Day, to raise awareness of heart problems.


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