The eruption in Iceland is aggravated by a third e …


A third crack It opened on Tuesday evening at the site of an eruption lasting almost three weeks, about 40 km from Reykjavik, Iceland.

The eruption, images of which circulated around the world, started on March 19 of a first fissure that continuously spat lava in the small valley of Geldingadalir, located near Mount Fagradalsfjall in the extreme southwest of Iceland. Then, on Monday, a new fault made up of two cracks opened about 700 meters from this first focus. This created a long stream of lava that made its way into another small valley nearby.

Now a third lava fountain, What’s wrong with that 150 meters long and about one meter deep, and is located half a kilometer from the sites of the first eruption.

Around midnight a bright spot suddenly illuminated the hill almost halfway between the first two sources of the eruption, releasing small jets of lava and with them a fine column of smoke, according to images broadcast by state television RÚV.

Icelandic volcanologists, who initially expected an eruption to take just a few days, now believe it will last a long time, but cannot say whether it will last for weeks, months or years.


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