The escape of Mauricio Macri in a bar in Vietnam – 20/02/2019


Walking the streets of Hanoi as President of Argentina or unknown Buenos Aires office worker may be identical: in both cases, "curious" looks will be launched, but no one will dare disturb them.

This can be corroborated by Mauricio Macri, who wanted to recall the days when he could manage his schedule as he pleased and, before the official dinner with which he will be entertained at the end of his first day in Hanoi, The President decided to go for a drink at a bar located a few blocks from his hotel.

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Macri was overwhelmed by the heat of Vietnam as he patiently waited his time to escape the harbadment of police custody that usually takes care of leaders during state visits. And when the delegation headed to the rooms of the Meliá hotel, she decided to make a separate plan: He warned that he was going to go alone to a bar, without guard.

Mauricio Macri escaped to a bar in Vietnam with his deputy chief of staff, Andrés Ibarra

Mauricio Macri escaped to a bar in Vietnam with his deputy chief of staff, Andrés Ibarra

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The only one he invited was the Deputy Chief of Staff, Andrés Ibarra, his longtime friend.

It took less than an hour for the head of state to calm down and mitigate the effects of heat and humidity: he asked for very cold water, while Ibarra offered drinks. diet sodas. In any case, during the break, he did not stop talking on his mobile phone.

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Whatever the case may be, the break was short: Macri had to go back to the hotel to get ready for the official dinner with President Nguyen Phu Trong.

As Clarín might have known, Macri was surprised by the change and evolution that he has noticed in Vietnam since his last trip in 2008, when he completed his first tour as mayor of Buenos Aires. "He can not believe that the Argentineans are the only ones not to progress," they explained in their environment.



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