The EU criticized Bolsonaro for fire in the Amazon and compromised agreement with Mercosur | Chronic


Ireland, France, Germany and the European Union (EU) authorities formulated Friday criticisms against the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, in the middle of the colossal fire that affects several regions of the Amazon, considered "lung of the planet", and they warned the Brazilian that the breach of their environmental commitments would jeopardize the EU-Mercosur agreement.

The most categorical of them was the Irish Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, who criticized Bolsonaro for his accusations the day before yesterday in which he pointed the finger at the environmental protection groups responsible for the fires, and insisted that there had been not a greater environmental commitment of the Brazilian executive, his country would try to block the interlock agreement.

"Ireland has no way to support a free trade agreement if Brazil does not meet its obligations" The prime minister said categorically.

The fire consumed much of the largest tropical reserve on the planet.

The French president, Emmanuel MacronBy the way, on Thursday, he announced that he would make the fire debate in the Amazon a priority issue at the G7 summit to be held from tomorrow to Monday in the French city of Biarritz. Today, he has set the tone and badured Bolsonaro "Lied" About your environmental commitment.

Bolsonaro "It has decided not to meet its commitments on climate and biodiversity.In these circumstances, Paris opposes the controversial free trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur", says a statement from the Elysee.

Shortly before, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, had supported the proposal launched by Macron, after describing fires in the Amazon as "terrible and dangerous not only for Brazil and for all the countries involved, but also for the whole world, because the tropical forest is of great importance for the global climate system"said the spokesman of the German government, Steffen Seibert, at a press conference in Berlin.

Emmanuel Macron expressed his indignation at the Brazilian president.

"It's not an exaggeration to define the green lung of the world", added the spokesman, quoted by the DPA news agency. The European Commission (EC) is also "seriously worried" by fires and "support the initiative" from Macron to discuss the urgency "at the next G7 meeting".

THIS "is in contact with the Brazilian and Bolivian authorities, ready to help", the spokeswoman for the European executive said: Andreeva minein a statement to the press.

The new ambbadador of the EU in Brasilia, Ignácio YbáñezAt the same time, he highlighted Brazil's efforts to implement the free trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur, but reminded Bolsonaro of the clear commitment of this agreement with "respect for the Paris agreement on climate change".

Ybáñez has ruled Bolsonaro's decision to criticize the Norwegian and German governments for suspending their contributions to the Amazon Fund, intended to preserve the world's largest rainforest, and to have questioned the government. commitment of the Brazilian government to preserve it.

Meanwhile, the governments of Chile, Venezuela and Argentina have offered badistance to Brazil to mitigate the fires. The President of Argentina, Mauricio MacriHe announced that he had made the emergency system of his country available to Brazil and Bolivia.


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