The Europarlamento, appointment of vampire rights | H …


From Paris

Europe is full of antibodies and it will be they who decide Sunday elections to renew the European Parliament. Antibody / antieuropeos. The sovereignist, Eurosceptic or Europhobic lists, from the far left and the far right, could reach historic records on 26 May, until becoming the second largest parliamentary group, just behind the EPP conservatives, the European People's Party, which brings together the main parties of the law of the government. In total, there are 56 lists that repudiate the EU whose presence extends to 26 of the 28 countries of the European Union. The two markers of this trend are not the offers of the radical left, but those of the far right of Italy and France. Following an alliance that combines the two rising dynamics of Italian leader Matteo Salvini and French Marine Le Pen, La Liga and the National Regroupement (the former National Front) are preparing for a great victory. In France, the national grouping is in a straight line in order to reiterate its feat of the previous elections of 2014 and to be the most voted movement in France. The latest polls place the French extreme right in a range between 24 and 25%, ahead of the presidential party The Republic in March (LRM), at one point, a point and a half below. Republicans have far with 14.5%. The radical left of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, France Insumisa, does not seem to be able to exceed 10% (between 7 and 8% according to the polls). As for the corrida that remained of the destroyed socialist party, its prospects are those of a confidential group if one takes into account that it was only two years of the party alternation with the right : between 5 and 6%.

The head of the French state, Emmanuel Macron, has focused his campaign on a direct duel with the far right. The proposed option was: I the liberal, with a proposal according to a globalized world, against extreme right nationalism. The strategy suited him as well as Marine Le Pen. Both were almost the only actors in an opaque, almost diluted election campaign likely to provoke one of the most important abstentions in the history of the European consultations. Macron plays on the future of his reforms, that is to say on the possibility of realizing his creed interrupted by the movement of yellow vests: "the transformation of the country". This position leaves him in an uncertain situation because, with it, the election of this Sunday, the first of his term, becomes a sort of plebiscite of his presidency.

This is precisely the path drawn by the French far right: defeat Macron at all costs. In recent days, the leaflets distributed in France by right-wing activists only said: "Vote against Macron". The other right-wing extremists of the Old Continent aspire to the same thing. Get as close as possible to the parties that govern or overcome them. The only expectation for elections to the European Parliament is to know not whether they will win, but how much. The detail is not anecdotal when measuring the statistics of the consultation: 374 million people voted for what constitutes the most important electoral event of the world, including India. This extremist current comes from far and is very close. There is however a deformation. The pictures of the gatherings usually show the ultra united and happy, but nothing is more wrong. They are a family with dislikes, intrigues, grudges, ambitions and pending accounts. The restoration of borders, national identity, anti-Muslim rhetoric, contempt for immigrants and criticism of "European tyranny" (the Brussels Commission) are the narrative lines to which everyone converges. Then there are internal fractures and there are no smiling pictures. Hungarian leader Victor Orban (Fidesz party) does not want to know anything about Marine Le Pen, just like the poles of law and justice, Jaroslaw Kaczyinski (both members of the government). The differences are based on dissenting economic conceptions and a power struggle. Overall, the first separation concerns those who have difficulty leaving the European Union and the euro, while the second concerns the formation of political groups in the European Parliament. This is a key element in the game of political influences. Hungary and Poland, for example, refuse to form a far-right parliamentary group alongside Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Austria, Germany , the Netherlands, Italy and France. Its goal is to mingle with traditional right-wing groups such as the EPP, the European People's Party (where Orban is already suspended due to its radical nature), and the conservatives and reformists. This conception of political geometries has, for the moment, removed much power from the national populists.

These vampire rights are in an ideal position to capture Europe in full light. In many cases, surveys attribute results three times higher than those in 2014. Europe votes this Sunday not so much to design its future, but to get back to the front and put on the front page the worst of its past. The embryo of the European Union was born in 1952 during the establishment of the Coal and Steel Community. The reconfiguration of the twenty-first century is made with the ideological protagonists of the hecatomb of the two world wars of the twentieth century and the contemporary context of the decline of the middle clbades, unemployment, inequality, the destruction of systems of collective solidarity and crisis. Racism Modern national populism is the flower of these seeds of evil.

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