The European Parliament has recognized Guaidó as "legitimate president" | Chronic


The European Parliament (EP) has recognized Juan Guaidó acting acting president of Venezuela, after noting that the head of the Venezuelan state, Nicolás Maduro, "publicly rejected the possibility of holding new elections" despite the ultimatum of the European Union (EU), which he urged to follow in the same vein.

In Brussels, by a resolution, MEPs urged the EU High Representative for External Relations and the 28 bloc countries to add to this measure until there is "Free, transparent and credible presidential elections" in the country of South America. Guaidó celebrated on Twitter "the big step" which implies for Venezuela the declaration.

"We have taken a big step forward in our struggle for democracy We appreciate the decision of the European Parliament to recognize all the efforts made by Venezuelans for the restoration of constitutional order", wrote the anti-Chavez leader.

The text, approved by the popular, socialist, conservative and liberal groups, was approved by 439 votes for, 104 against, among which those of the left and center-left forces in Spain, and 88 abstentions.

The Spanish deputy Esteban González Pons (People's Party), whose group called for the European Parliament's urgent debate, presented an oral amendment to the text which was accepted before its vote and which was accepted – so that the body "condemn" the arrest of 7 journalists in Caracas and their release "immediate".

On the recognition of Guaidó, MEPs reported that Maduro had rejected "publicly" call for new presidential elections at the request of the EU, so they transferred their support "full" the National Assembly (NA, Parliament) as the sole democratic body and the "roadmap" the president in charge. They therefore asked the European governments to accredit Guaidó's appointed representatives if they decided to recognize him.

In addition, the plenary session of the European Parliament expressed its firm refusal of any initiative aimed at resolving the Venezuelan crisis "involve the use of force"although he avoided an explicit positioning against the threat of the United States to launch a military intervention in Venezuela if the situation required it.

The European Parliament has urged "Forging an agreement to call for free, transparent and credible presidential elections", with an agreed timetable, guaranteeing "the equality of conditions" for "all" and with the presence of international observers and asked the head of European diplomacy, the Federica Mogherini, it is involved with the countries of the region and other key players for its creation.

After the vote of the text, the president of Eurocámara, the Italian Antonio Tajani, emphasized that the parliament of the community "It's the first European institution" recognizing Guaidó and urging the governments of the bloc and Mogherini to do "the same thing as soon as possible to have a unique and strong position".


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